Her Name is Sol

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It took Sam a few weeks before she can go back in the usual routine. She was in strict bedrest and Al is the one who handled the arrangements and took care of her.

"I can't believe you are Al's daughter all along." Vince said as the noogie on Sam's head. "Easy, Vince. She is still healing." Kiran said. "Oh, sorry about the kiddo." Vince giggled. Sam is not used to this kind of treatment. "Wait, are we still calling you Sam? Or your real name?" He asked. "I'm used to the name Sam ever since. Only Dad is the one who calls me Sol." She is still not used in her calling Al her Dad and Al calling her Sol. It will take a lot of time to get used to but it will work out. Kiran is happy, ever since the whole incident, their boss is completely changed. His attitude had become a lot calmer. Sam went to get some gear to haul to but Kiran stopped her. "I believe you can't do the hauling stuff anymore, Sam." He explained. "Why is that? This is not because of the daughter thing, isn't it?" She asked, her hand on her hip. "One, like I said, you are still healing so you are restricted to carry the gear and second-" "We have plans so you will not be a crew for a while." Sam looked behind and Alistair is there, carrying his guitar. "What?! Why am I not a crew anymore?!" She yelled, definitely pissed off by what she heard. That's her only job and she had to make money for a living. "Kiran, if you don't mind." Al said as he gave the guitar to him. "No problem." He smiled as he took his guitar. Al turned around and carried Sam, still being careful about her wound but Sam is flailing. "Bring me down, Alistair! God damn it!" She yelled. His other bandmates just sneered at such imagery. The crew is glad though that Al has come back to his old self. Al proceeded in the rehearsal room with his flailing daughter. He gently puts down on a chair and sat beside her. "What do you mean I'm not a crew anymore?!" She hissed. "First, don't call me Alistair, Soledad. Second, it's temporary as we have plans to do now, but you are not going to haul gears anymore. You are for maintenance guitars only from now on. The next part..." He said as he pulled out a blue poster. As he laid it out, it is a blue print. "We are going to rebuild the old home... And live there." He smiled. Sam was speechless as her eyes roamed at the print. The first thing she noticed is there is a big jam room and two bedrooms only. "What about your mansion?" She asked. "It is still mine, it is the HQ of Ailuroz after all. But I will live here... Again." He replied. "Thanks, Dad..." She said. It pulled Al's heartstrings again and impulsively bear hugged her. "Daaad!" She groaned. Al lets her go with that stupid grin on his face. "Sorry, sorry. Then... Our next plan is the solo album project." He continued. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." She smiled. They did plan that before the whole shooting incident. She was excited to it, even though she is only assisting her Dad as rhythm guitar.

"The last one!" He said as the slammed a flyer on the table. Sam grabbed the flyer as her eyes widened. "A European tour?!" She exclaimed. "Yup! Still on the plans but yes, we will have one. Our first country to stop to is Spain." He said. "And you will perform there on the stage." "Wait... What about you?" She asked, being confused. "I will be the rhythm." He said. "Why?" "What? What do you mean why?" He asked. "It is your band after all." She reasoned. "It's true but... Let's say it is an official announcement that you are a Burton." He smiled. Sam only stared at the flyer silently.

"Something wrong, Sol?" Lily asked. "It's fine. It's just... Too fast. I'm just not used to this treatment." Sam laughed after. The drummer smiled. Sam must've felt a little overwhelmed. "Well, we can't blame anyone on that. He only wanted the best for you. He only wanted you to be finally recognized and also be happy." Lily said. "You are the lost daughter of a famous musician after all. Also, he waited so long for this." She smiled. "I guess... I just only wanted things simple." Sam replied. "You can make it happen and tell him about it, Sam... And while you're at it, drag your Dad to it as well. He needs hobby other than guitar playing." Sam laughed. She loves Lily, sometimes she sees her as an aunt now.

A few weeks later, Sam and Alistair went back to the country they started the first tour for a short vacation. Karen had returned as well to go back to her bar business before the next tour begins. Trent will follow after visiting his family. The Reinha Polaris will resume in having gigs almost the same time Ailuroz will jumpstart their European tour. "Wow, it's been a while since I've been here." Sam said as she roamed around to her old apartment. The apartment she stayed for a long time since she started to become independent. The father and daughter decided to stay here instead since Al can feel Sam missed this place. He stared around the walls, he can imagine the loneliness his daughter felt here. He can imagine that she was jumping around the bed while watching his performances. She did open about it during their heartfelt and question and answer conversation at the hospital. He smiled at Sam's ambition to be like him.

Samजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें