Chapter 26

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Song: Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish

Admist the faint sound of metal on metal, she saw two figures fighting. Her heart leapt into her mouth as she identified the loosing man as her oldest friend, Jon. Within a cluster of swipes, Jon's blade was dislodged from his grasp. Robin stepped into a run, her jaw tense as she reached to nock an arrow. Her fingers grasped on air, and she pulled her hand from her empty quiver. Breaths heavy she sprinted towards her childhood friend with as much speed as she could muster.

Her heart froze as the Temujai warrior's blade pierced Jon's chest. She could feel the air leaving her lungs, the bitter taste spreading through her mouth, and the sharp pain searing through her chest as it tore at the sight of little Jon's limp body falling against the dry ground. Stumbling slightly she continued to rush forward, her vision growing clouded as a stinging sensation crawled up her throat.

Her heart was pounding against her chest like a spooked bird caught in a falling cage. The blood pounding in her ears momentarily obscuring all sounds of warfare. She faintly heard something that could have been a Skandian horn blow. Though no hint of her attention was taken to the sound, as her eyes remained focused on the adored Skandian who was just one of the many bodies laying upon the slaughter fields.

Jon's eyes were wide open, in pain and fear. His fingers scrabbled awkwardly on the dirt and he was mouthing something. Sliding to her knees, she brought his weapon to his scrabbling hand. Little Jon's fingers closed over the haft and he nodded once. His chest was stained red with blood. She felt as if the sword had buried itself in her own heart; there was a painful hole in her chest.

His heart welled with distress, he opened his mouth to reassure her, but no words came out as he was to weak to speak. Robin placed her bloodstained hand on his cheek, as he drew his last breath. The words died on his lips, the apologies and gratitude. He wished he could have had the strength to tell her that he loved her.

Robin's whole world was flipped upside down. The person in which had been there for her when all else was faded, had turned her tears into laughter, and had fought by her side, had just been brutally ripped from her calloused hands. She had only just got him back.

Robin's hands shook as she lifted his head, and frantically searching his slackened face for signs of life. His eyes slightly fluttered, causing the smallest spark of hope to light within her heart.

'Jon!' She whispered with a quivering voice. 'Jon please wake up.'


Tears fell down her cheeks as she softly lowered his head, turning her gaze to his wound. Blood rapidly flowed from his chest, staining his clothes with a dark crimson. Spitting out a salty mix of tears and saliva, she scanned the horizon for Skandians she knew wouldn't come, to consumed in battle.

Holding her breath, she pressed her hand down against the wound in hope of slowing the bleeding. Thick clots of blood pooled out from the gaps between her fingers, staining her leather clad hands with sticky liquid.

Robin's throat restricted as she choked down tears, once again drifting her gaze to his paling face. An expression of serenity sat upon his features, on in which she had never seen and frightened her.

'Jon please.' She breathed out, choking on her words. 'I need you.'

He died before he could tell her. Now she would never know. He loved her. A pained expression on his face as he passed into the Vallas grasp, weapon still held loosely in hand. At least he had been forgiven.

Her blood-stained hands rapidly shook as she brought two fingers to place against her pulse. The sky was too azure, the grounds too lush, the breeze too slight and alluring for a day to pass without tragedy.


He was dead. She had only just got him back.

With a sorrowful cry that made her mouth sting, she placed her forehead against his own, tears flooding down her face as she felt her throat restrict, making her breath ragged and painful.

He couldn't be dead. He couldn't be.

A dry sinister laugh raised her misty gaze. She looked up dragging the back of her hand across her eyes. She rose to her feet, eyes locking onto the Temujai who had killed little Jon, as he pulled his sword from another Skandian.

Her jaw tensed with resentment, pain still racking through her chest, causing the sensation of weakness to clasp her trembling body. She felt completely and utterly helpless. There was nothing she could do to bring him back. She was to slow. Her sense of helplessness disappeared and her chest burned, though not in fear. It burned with a soaring flame for vengeance.

Slowly standing she unsheathed her weapons, leaving her tears to dry as a new expression hardened her features. Her blood burned as if it had just been ignited, coursing through her veins like the thundering rapids of Vultures Narrows. With a few steady blinks, her vision cleared and her eyes narrowed upon the Temujai who now leered in front. 'Give him a wave on your way down to hell.' She stepped away from little Jon's body and brought her self closer to the Temujai. Adrenaline surged through her veins, replacing sorrow with anger and a desire for blood. Her knuckled turned white from her steel grip upon the handles of her weapons.

Another harsh cackle emerged from his cracked lips as he assessed her with a mocking glare. Never before had she held so much anger and resentment towards a single being. Dashing forward, she came in with full force and narrowly avoided a swipe to the head. She spun and sent a kick Temujai commandments ribs. She hit her mark, though he only stumbled slightly. Whilst off balance, she swung her weapon at him, he blocked it with his sword. Continuing to charge forward she sent an array of strong swings in his direction, though the Temujai parried each stroke. Moving almost gracefully as though familiar with the rhythm of battle.

The duel shifted as the Temujai stepped forward to attack, the ring of metal on metal echoing whilst she blocked each of his blows. Their blades connected and he pressed down, the sharp metal nearing her own neck. Robin buckled beneath the weight. 

Will this be the end of our hero? I mean obviously not but still-- suspense *jazz hands*

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