35. Pros and Cons

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Lia never liked being in trouble when she was younger. The times that she had been asked to go to the principal's office for an errand for her teacher had always set her heart racing. Just being in the vicinity of the principal's office was enough to scare her. The only other time that she remembered ever being that nervous had been when Mr. Kim had first summoned her to his office. However, that was nothing compared to being chauffeured to his house in a sleek black vehicle with tinted windows. After the reunion in the cemetery, Mr. Kim had insisted that everything be explained to him but in a more private location; that private location being his estate.

The back of the car was arranged so that Mr. Kim could sit right across from her and Jin. Jin looked over at Lia to see that she was nervously sitting there. Though he was still experiencing a turmoil of emotions himself, he reached over to grab one of her hands in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. Mr. Kim noticed and smiled gently.

"How long have you and Jin known each other?" asked Mr. Kim.

"Only a week or two," said Lia, looking at Jin's face and his soft smile instead of at Mr. Kim. "Actually, I think this is our third week together."

Mr. Kim nodded, falling silent on asking questions as he merely watched how comfortable the two of them were together. Eventually though, Mr. Kim began to ask inconsequential questions to try to ease the tension and Lia responded as they finished the rest of the ride to his place. She knew that the real grilling awaited them there.

Once they arrived, Jin kept close to Lia as he followed his father inside. Even though he remembered that man was his father, it was easy for Lia to see that Jin was just as nervous as her. Mr. Kim gave them a quick tour of the luxurious two floor house before leading them to the bedrooms that took up most of the second floor. All the doors were open to show Lia's curious eyes the immaculate layout of each. They all looked outfitted for a photo shoot. Mr. Kim stopped at the end of the hall, looking at Lia and Jin as they both gawked about; his eyes falling on their joined hands.

"How about you both wash up from the gardening and then we can have supper together to talk about things?" suggested Mr. Kim as he gestured towards the room that laid off to his left. Lia and Jin both leaned forward to look into the room to see that it was completely filled with clothes racks. It looked like it was crammed with enough outfits to last several year's worth of photo shoots.

"Alright. Thank you, sir," said Lia with a nod of her head.

Jin and Lia still held hands as they moved to enter the room; the sound of Mr. Kim's footsteps retreating behind them. Jin stood still once he reached the center of the wardrobe filled room. Lia looked at all the clothes that laid before her before she looked over at Jin.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm standing," breathed out Jin with a sigh. "Does that count as holding up?"

Lia gave him a soft smile, walking over to stand beside him. Like he had calmed her down in the car during the ride over, it was her turn to now. She moved to grab one of his hands, squeezing it.

"Everything will be okay. This is your father, Jin. Maybe we'll finally get some answers about what happened to the seven of you."

"Maybe..." said Jin as he trailed off, squeezing tightly to Lia's hand like it was his life preserver. 

"How about you wash up first?" suggested Lia as she ran a hand over his knuckles. "I'll wait out here with the clothes. Maybe that'll help you."

Jin nodded, reluctant to drop Lia's hand but eventually doing so. When she heard the bathroom door shut behind Jin, she looked more closely at the clothes hanging in front of her. Her hands drifted over the shirts, pausing when she came across a shirt that was similar to the one Yeontan liked to cuddle in. Thinking about Yeontan reminded her of Taehyung which in turn reminded her of Jungkook. Tomorrow was Thursday and she would have to deal with whatever mood Jungkook was in after what transpired on Monday. He would more than likely ask her for a decision too which she wasn't ready to give. Lia was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear Jin coming out from behind her.

"Are the shirts really that fascinating?"

Lia jumped a bit as she came out of her thoughts, turning to face Jin behind her with a blush. She saw that he really hadn't done too much to wash up aside from scrub his face, hands and arms with some water; a few droplets still clinging to his skin here and there.

"Sorry. I was just thinking."

"Is this about Jungkook?" asked Jin, holding up a hand to silence her when he saw Lia open her mouth to start talking. "Look, I read Jungkook's note before coming to see you today and he mentioned how you two went on a date."

Lia didn't move to make any sort of response which led to Jin grabbing her by the wrist and tugging her over to sit down on a gray couch near the far wall that she hadn't even noticed. He sat down beside her, still keeping a hand on her wrist, but in a gentle manner.

"Lia, you're helping us so let me try to return the favor. I mean, last week you were even helping with me being sick."

"It was nothing. Just like this..."

"No, not just like this."

Lia felt her eyes misting with tears. They clouded the view of the clothing racks in front of her until all the colors were bleeding and mixing together like melting crayon art. Jin shifted so that he could wrap his arm about her to hug her to his side, using his free hand to brush away her tears.

"My problem will seem so pitiful compared to what you all are going through," mumbled Lia as Jin shook his head.

"No problem is pitiful, Lia," said Jin. "Talk to me please."

"It's just...I don't know what to do. Jungkook says he loves me but so does Taehyung. I just...I love them both, and I can't choose."

Jin was silent for a few moments after Lia had finished her brief spiel which left her feeling even more rotten than before.

"You don't have a leaning one way or another?" asked Jin as Lia shook her head.

"No. I'm a horrible person, aren't I?"

Jin shook his head, hugging Lia even tighter to him.

"No, it doesn't make you a horrible person. Want to know what I'd do if I was in your position though?"

"What's that?" asked Lia as she shifted to sit up enough so she could see Jin's face clearly.

"Make a list of pros and cons," he said. "Be honest with it too. It'll help direct you. I made a pros and cons list when I met you the first time."

"I'm assuming you must have ended up with more pros since I'm here with you?" asked Lia.

"Oh hands down," said Jin with a smile causing Lia to crack a small grin of her own. "The point is, sometimes writing out the pros and cons of each helps you come to a clearer decision on things."

"I will keep that in mind," said Lia as Jin nodded.

The two of them stayed on the couch for a while longer in their own little world before Mr. Kim came up to get them for supper. As Lia walked downstairs with Jin, she began to make a mental list of pros and cons in her head ahead of tomorrow.

- - -

AN: I have an idea plotted out in terms of the direction of this book - but out of curiosity - who do you think Lia should be in a relationship with?

*If you think Lia should be with Taehyung, please comment here with the reason why. <-----

*If you think Lia should be with Jungkook, please comment here with the reason why. <-----

As a writer, I'm curious to see which side you choose and why. Thank you in advance for your feedback! Hope that you're all well!

 Thank you in advance for your feedback! Hope that you're all well!

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