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The drive to Dallas felt like an eternity for Maisy, each passing mile adding to her mounting anxiety

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The drive to Dallas felt like an eternity for Maisy, each passing mile adding to her mounting anxiety. When they finally arrived and she stepped off the bus, she rushed outside, desperate to catch her breath and clear her mind.

A wave of guilt crashed over her as they approached the stadium. The possibility of being pregnant with Tim Riggins' child weighed heavily on her conscience. It wasn't just about her future; it could potentially alter Tim's life trajectory, tying him down with responsibilities he might not be prepared for, especially since they lived in different cities. Maisy wasn't sure if she was ready for such a life-altering responsibility, and she doubted Tim was either.

"Are you okay?" Coach Taylor's voice cut through her thoughts, pulling her back to the present. Maisy nodded, though her mind was still racing.

"Just fine," she managed to reply, following the group into the stadium. As they walked out onto the field, Maisy couldn't help but gaze up at the rows of empty seats, imagining them filled with cheering fans the next day.

"This time tomorrow, this stadium will be filled," Coach Taylor declared, his words echoing with anticipation. The team looked around in awe, realizing the magnitude of the upcoming game.

Suddenly, the opposing team emerged onto the field, and the atmosphere grew tense with anticipation. News crews from various media outlets had gathered to interview both teams, and Maisy found herself facing a microphone thrust in her direction.

"Maisy Coleman, the student manager, correct? What's your opinion on this final game?" the reporter asked, waiting for Maisy's response.

"Yes, that's correct. I have faith that the Dillon Panthers will be able to pull this off. We've trained hard and are ready to play even harder!" Maisy replied, trying to sound confident despite the turmoil churning inside her. Her skin flushed with heat, and her face paled slightly as she felt the weight of her words and the overwhelming pressure of the situation.

Maisy felt a knot tighten in her stomach as the reporter directed another question at her, this time about Ray "Voodoo" Tatom. She knew she couldn't handle any more questions or attention. With a polite excuse, she stepped aside, feeling the weight of her secret suffocating her.

Walking over to the water jug, Maisy took a long, soothing sip, hoping to calm her nerves and find some relief from the overwhelming pressure. But her mind was still racing, consumed by the burden of her undisclosed situation.

"Is she okay?" Matt's concerned voice reached her as she leaned against the water machine, trying to steady herself.

"She seemed nervous. Maybe she doesn't like all this attention," Smash remarked casually, joining the reporter to bask in the spotlight. Matt, however, wasn't convinced that was the sole reason for Maisy's distress. Meanwhile, Tim Riggins, always nonchalant, appeared indifferent to the situation, trying to maintain an air of detachment.

Faith, Football & Friday Nights // T. Riggins *rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now