There was a chart that listed a bunch of medications he'd only heard about from Astell. There was also a long passage with certain letters capitalized. "What... is this?"

Decha grabbed the notebook and read further down. It was a word-for-word copy of a medical analysis done by one of Grandell's old professors. He recognized it because studying various diseases was required for going on Outside. He memorized the source of this material.

But why was Rory studying medical analysis when she was in engineering?

Decha flipped the page, and there was more information about POYO. Programming notes and bug documentation were written there. He flipped again and then saw more information about the medical analysis from before.

The professor had a disease, Decha remembered. At the time, it was untreatable, but as Astell's technology became more advanced, there was a treatment and a high possibility for a cure. Unfortunately, the professor who wrote the textbook passed away from his sickness before he was treated.

Under the statement, Decha noticed that Rory had written some details about her condition. There were references to her project, POYO. Decha soon connected the dots and came to full realization. Rory was sick with the same disease the Grandell professor had.

Decha looked at the old drawings plastered on her wall. They were pictures of a hospital. He could make out the way certain nurses and staff were drawn. He understood that she may have been this way for a long time. There were so many obvious hints, he couldn't believe he missed them.

POYO was somewhat her emotional support. The AI was made to help her with her condition. She was creating it to not only help herself but to help others who were suffering from the same thing. It wasn't just about scanning the bodies of Astellians to get their information. She wanted to contribute what the former professor couldn't.

Decha dropped the notebook back on the desk and looked back at the flash disk in his hands. He wouldn't feel right if he destroyed it.

Rory's situation reminded him of Avon. That's probably by Risor told him to stop looking into Rory. Decha placed the disk back into her computer, deciding to let POYO stay. He turned on his heel, ready to leave, but a plastic bottle smacked against his head.

Rory stood in front of him, in a battle stance and fear in her eyes. Fortunately, Decha's mouth and nose were covered. All she would be able to see were his emotionless eyes.

"What... what are you doing in my room!?"

Decha swore, and went for her. Rory screamed but it was cut short when Decha placed his hands over her mouth, turned her around, and held her in place. "Shush!"

Rory's voice was muffled as she tried squirming out of his hold. "I can't... breathe!" Rory gasped when she tried pulling his arm away. "P-please! Let... me breathe!"

Before Decha could respond, he heard the sound of the front door opening downstairs. It was her father. Decha swore again and quickly turned off Rory's light. It couldn't get any worse, could it?

The sound of stomping made Decha's skin crawl. He needed to hide and quickly. Decha shoved Rory onto the bed and pulled her comforter over the both of them.

He threw himself on top of her and covered her lips with his hand. Decha heard the door to her room open, and then her father speaking.

"Rory, are you awake—Oh." Her father stopped when he saw the bed. The lump was more than enough to tell him that his daughter was sleeping.

Rory on the other hand was stunned. The stranger on top of her was so close. While they were looking into each other's eyes, her heart was racing.

Jamison smiled and closed the door gently.

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