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After two hours,

Yoongi was sleeping on the couch with his clothes on as Hoseok cleaned his office desk. The door opened after one knock revealing Namjoon.

"What happened, hyung?" Hoseok asked, throwing the tissues in the dustbin.

"Seems like you both are done"

"You heard us?"

"The whole gang must have heard Yoongi screaming your name at the top of his lungs" Namjoon sassed as Hoseok chuckled nervously.

"I think it's good too, at least now everyone will know he is mine" Hoseok smirked.

"That will also lead to your enemies knowing about him" Namjoon said as he sat on the chair and kept his laptop on the table "You cleaned it right?" Hoseok nodded and sat on his chair.

"I am not worried about my enemies, he knows how to protect himself"

"He knows but Yoonie does not and Suga was a part of this world so it won't be an issue for him" Hoseok nodded.

"I will protect Yoonie"

"As you say" Namjoon turned the laptop screen to Hoseok "Let's get to work" Hoseok glanced at the sleeping Yoongi once and nodded.

Hoseok and Namjoon were discussing a plan to remove Minato and Dusik from their lives completely. Their plan was not full proof but they thought to give it a try.

While they were discussing the plan, the door opened and Jin entered. He kept the box in front of Hoseok who frowned and opened it.

He and Namjoon gasped after seeing what was in the box. The box had Kija's head in it, at least it looked like it was him and the smell of blood told that said that the head was fresh, he was killed recently and as soon as he was killed, his head was sent here.

Hoseok immediately closed the box and looked at NamJin, the three of them had a frown on their faces.

"What should we do now? According to the plan, we would rescue Kija or kidnap him from them and then get information out of him, that was the first step" Hoseok said, looking at the closed box.

"Maybe we use another plan," Jin said. Hoseok and Namjoon looked at him.

"Do you have any?" Namjoon asked. Jin nodded.

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