🌸chapter 1🌸

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Running fast as she can Akshara is looking back time to time assuring that no one is following her....

Due to high speed and time to time looking back leads to fall her on the road...

Panicking that she may get caught if she sits for long , she started to run through the edge of road.... But losing her balance she even forget when she started run through the centre of road...

When she realises that she is running through the centre a lorry with high speed hit on her....

Before losing her complete consioussness she only sees how the floor become pool of blood then her eyes closed...


Rohan Arora the senior doctor in the OT got a call from reception informing him about an accident that happen recently..

They didn't call him for small cases because it may be taken care by junior doctors....

Handling his work to other colleague... He ran towards the operation theatre where Aksharas case is taken....

It is hospitals duty that , they only starts a patient's treatment after the arrival of any relatives.... But seeing the condition of the patient and by  lack of her information, Rohan Arora sign the papers in which he is taken the responsibility of the patient.....

Operation take place successful... In mean time other hospital staff are tried hard to know anything regarding her.... Even by her dressing style before accident they came to an end that she belongs to a financially stabled family...

Watching the CCTV footage of accident area they didn't find any other clue rather than her fast running by looking back....

Understanding seriousness in the matter after after checking the CCTV footage they decided to stop their search till patient back to her consciousness....

It has been 24 hours after the surgery.... Patient is trying to wake from past 1 hour... Rohan and other colleagues include abhimanyu is waiting for her to open her eyes....

Her operation is critical... If any mistakes happens she may fully slip into coma for long...

By seeing her try to open eyes they felt relieved that she is not going to that stage....

After a lot of struggle she opens her eyes and started to panicking....
Understanding the situation Dr Rohan sit besides her which make her too afraid....

R: areee relax you are safe... No need to panick now... You are met with an accident yesterday that's why you are in hospital now... If you have your parents or any relatives number please share to us we inform them now itself....

A:but i don't know anything.... Accident happens to me!!

She says in a childish voice make all them shocked...

R: hey miss why are you talking in baby voice... Please say something regarding your past then only we can proceed your treatments next step...

This time hearing a deep voice of Dr Rohan make her to burst out into tears.... She started to cry like a child with loud voice...

Every one by one started to console her by saying sweet words.... Whereas Rohan seat rooted in his place try to absorb what is happening....

Understanding she forgot everything and behaving like a child make his mind shattered into million pieces....

Next week he have to go back to USA... He can't take her with him nor he can left her here.... Because he takes her full care....

By thinking all these he became deaf to  her crying... Not crying but screaming....

When he came back from his lala land he finds the voice is dead....

Shaking his head he look at her then he finds her hand in full of teady bears...

Looking at the person who is standing beside who gift her a teady.... He is smilling how she snatched the things in his hand when he entered with them ....

Now she even forget about the person who bring her teady that much she became busy with them...

Rohans POV

I am so afraid by thinking about this unknown girl.... I can't inform police or any other .... If i so like this they may publish her missing notice...

I know she is came from the place with her own will .... That means she is afraid of something'..... If i inform them now then the person behind her misery will take advantage of this situation.... And try to harm her again....

And i can't cancel my USA visit ... But now I got a solution.... Yes abhimanyu can take care of her after my departure.... I know he have challenging duty.... And by seeing his mature behaviour during the unknown girls crying i understand that he can only handle her in the tough situation.....

I can't back off as i myself done the surgery willingly by the side of her relatives....

So as a teacher's request i know abhimanyu will accept my offer....

Rohans POV ends

Hearing his statement abhimanyu look at him as if he is doing a prank....

Ab: but sir how can I.... You know na I have no one in my home and i don't know anything regarding girls.... Then why me?

R: because i know you will handle.... Today when everyone is trying hard to silent that girl you only make her silent by practical.... And i think she is comfortable with you... I know i am giving you a big duty.... But i can't backoff USA offer you know na it is my dream project... If you gave me a small space in your heart please accept my offer... I don't trust anyone other than you....

Not having other choice abhimanyu agrees his offer of taking the unknown girl to his home...


* Do you Like Dr Rohan?

*Did you like how abhimanyu instantly make akshara silent by bringing teady bear?

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