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15th December 2022

Dear Snowflake,

I'd take this kind of 'childishness' over that 'first-letter-childishness' any day.

Now what is this, Snowflake? I thought it was all forgiven and forgotten? (sighs) Let's just say I am glad I'll never have to re-read my first few letters again. It is all a fuzzy memory that I'd rather not think about. I'd suggest you burn those pages if you haven't already.

And no, you were not blabbering. I don't think I would mind even if you wrote a whole page on it. At this point in life? I could really use some insight.

You know, there is something oddly soothing about your last letter. I can't exactly pinpoint what it is but somehow, it managed to calm my nerves.

Also, I've noticed something. You seem to have a positive outlook on life. That is really admirable. Maybe in two years, I'll be just as calm and collected as you are. I hope so.

About your question...

I would be lying if I said I didn't expect you to ask this after all this time. In fact, you took longer than I thought you would ask this question. And I am going to answer it.

What I meant by these things? That might take a while to answer but I'll try to keep it as short as possible.

Buckle up. Storytime!

The story begins at July-end, with the start of the new semester.

Five months back: The last year of university started. I was pumped. Things were great. I was chosen as the captain of the Rugby team which was like the cherry on top since it helped me with my scholarship. My grades were decent, had a great circle of people around me. As I said, things were going great. I was at my highest—thought nothing could bring me down from there.

Three months back: Cue to tournament season. We won against all the other departments. I was so proud and the team had never been happier. It was an all-kill for the first time for our department. And to think that happened under my captaincy? Fills me up with joy even now.

Cue to inter-college match. The first big match was approaching. As Captain, I had to prove myself. I was high on confidence so much so that I didn't realise when it took the shape of arrogance and overconfidence. I got busier. The circle got smaller. I didn't realise this until much later though.

I had everything going for me. What could possibly go wrong? That's what I kept thinking. I was riding high after all the accomplishments and recognition I was getting.

The D-day:

In the first half of the match, I got injured. But it wasn't anything I hadn't experienced before. Barely a little twisted ankle. It can't be powerful enough to stop me from playing. It had happened before too and I had done just fine even then. We were lagging behind by two touchdowns. The pressure was insane. I was the Captain. I can't lose hope, that's what I thought. We restrategized during half-time.

In the second half of the match—we decided to go hard. No slacking was acceptable. We didn't have a second to waste. We scored a touchdown. Things were starting to look up. Just when we even them out, they scored another point. It was cut-throat. I remember the adrenaline rush. I could care less about my throbbing ankle. I didn't think about anything but winning.

Christmas Gone Wrong (VegasPete) - CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora