Mr Grey

438 29 2

17th December 2022

Dear Snowflake,

Did I mention I am starting to love whatever scent you spray on your papers? Now I have started imagining your room would smell like this too - something between floral, vanilla and warmth like freshly baked cookies. What is it, really? I love it.

We both know that I started writing letters with no good (or bad) intentions in mind. I didn't expect anything, I didn't look forward to it, and I definitely didn't think I'd enjoy it.

But lately, all those things have changed. Your letters have become something to look forward to every other day. I have an eager smile on my face (or at least that's what my dad described it as) whenever I see your blue envelope. Every time I'd receive your letter, I'd lock myself in my room, would sit on the floor in the small corner beside my desk and would read your letter like it hides little secrets. For some reason now, it feels too personal to read it in an open space.

Recently, I have also started guessing what your voice would sound like. Or what do you really think when you write those words down. I wonder a lot lately.

I wonder about your words too. And maybe, just maybe (purely theoretical) I have started looking for your validation too. When I read your words, It felt so powerful. It felt believable. It felt like acceptance. I don't know yet why your words have started to mean so much to me but when I read you were proud, I felt the happiest I have been in a while. Thank you for saying all that. It means so much to me.

Really, how do you do this? I don't even know you yet and somehow, your words can pull me out of this room and transport me to a whole different world. A better world.

You said: I wish I could tell you in person how strongly I feel about your last letter.

And I wish I could tell you in person how grateful I feel that out of all the people I could've been paired with, I got paired with you.

What do I write on those post-its?

A lot of things actually. Topics I need to study. Things I want to watch. Self-affirmation. Quotes I like. Food I ate. Random doodles. It is really all over the place.

The last thing I wrote was:

"Some things scratch the surface while others strike at your soul."

You could probably guess the reason behind this one :)

You said: You shouldn't trust strangers too easily, Chainsaw.

My answer: I'll take that risk this one time, Snowflake.

Now I am imagining your whole wardrobe to be just different shades of black and white. Am I right?

I'd say throw in a few Reds and Blues and you'll have the perfect picture of my wardrobe.

Let's get to your questions, shall we?

Mountains or Beaches? Why?

You keep stealing my questions, Snowflakes. I'm glad you're enjoying those.

I'd have to say Mountains. My maternal hometown is in Chiang Mai and every summer, I have spent quite a decent amount of time trekking there. When after all that effort, I finally reach the peak and see how the city unfolds in front of my eyes, it is breathtaking! Everything looks so tiny from there like miniatures. I'd sit there and let the wind carry my imagination and see how far it can go. Trekking and camping are even more fun if done with the people we like. I think it is a great bonding experience.

Christmas Gone Wrong (VegasPete) - CompletedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя