Happy Halloween 🎃

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A bet had been made, would work out for better or worse was the question, if a certain blonde won, he got... well that was still undecided, but if the blunette one he would model for her for the next month.

So here they were in front of the apparent haunted house, the place was over a century old and had no owners since the last ones who had bought the house had abandoned it the day after they had moved in.

They had apparently seen things, heard whispers and who knows what else, no one thought they believed them, after all they had moved in on the day before halloween, but every time after someone came into this house.

They came out a completely different person, not the same they once were. Yet here they were, going to be the next two people who went in.

"You brought me to a haunted house seriously Fé, I expected better," Marinette teased. "We'll see love, we'll see" he mocked her, he knew she got scared easily so the chances of him losing were extremely low.

The two were standing at the entrance of the building. It was a large two story house, the front yard had dry brown grass, well more like dirt, surrounding it were bits of a dry plant that once made a hedge around the house that had a rusty metal gate as the entrance.

The window had old rusted shutters that had pieces broken off, cobwebs covered the front porch and the door was slightly open, showing the dark exterior. The paint had peeled from the sides of the building and it was missing a few roof tiles that were now lying on the grass.

The two were dressed as detectives, Mariette planned to win this bet and then she would get herself her own model. Felix on the other hand didn't have the slightest clue what he wanted though maybe an afternoon in the library recategorizing the books wouldn't be a bad idea.

The two walked down the gravel path and reached the entrance, walking onto the poarch it let an eerie creek pushing the door open, they took a look around, the place had been furnished with antique furniture that was now covered in dust and cobwebs.

Marinette turned to Felix whose eyes were on the room to the right, it looked like a lunge room from the old days. Walking over there was a singular tea cup and saucer sitting on the table. It looked like maybe tea or something dried at the bottom though it had gone black.

There was an old lamp in the corner of the room, next to it was a picture frame, an old black and white photo was in the frame. There were three people in the picture: a man, a woman and a little girl. She was sitting in the man's lap holding what appeared to be a doll.

Marniette turned and saw something. The front door was closed "Fé, did you close the door?" she asked looking around "no, why is it closed?" he asked, looking towards her but she shrugged.

Felix could pretend all he wanted, she wasn't losing tonight.

To say this play was normal would be a lie, things only got stranger, first the curtains kept flapping around though, there was no wind, the floorboards were creaking like someone else was here, but there wasn't it was silent.

For the most part till out of nowhere a lullaby of some sorts started coming from upstairs when Marinette went to see where the music was coming from she walked up the stairs only for it to break the second she placed her foot on it, Felix luckily caught her from behind.

"Love, you can believe I did this all you want, but even I wouldn't go as far as you getting hurt" Felix said looking towards the second story of the house with an almost fearful look.

Still they continued up the stairs they went, there were two different corrioders they could take, Marientte decided to take a look to the one on the right Felix, was next to her That was when they saw it.

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