Halloween Special//Fates Accomplice

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(???'s POV)

A soft breeze flurried through your fingers, /Well? What news do you bring me.\ You look at the humanoid woman with mild disinterest. <...He escaped..> They slowly spoke with a twirl of their finger seemingly to ease their anxiety /Escaped? Who do you mean?\ You felt confusion only for a moment before a vivid image flashed through your head, your loose hand immediately gripping the chair and broke it into splinters and shambles. /How did he escape, I let you go on the last account and stopped that TIMELINE. To prevent further..Problems. But you also managed to mess up this timeline as well? Just how useless are you deities? Our deal is no longer being beneficial and is more of being a, troublesome existence.\ Your eyes narrowed towards the woman, you couldn't believe that this 'powerful' deity, of her status could mess up not once, BUT TWICE.

You couldn't understand, how..No why? why was she so incapable suddenly? In all the other timelines, especially the last one she did especially well in their end of the deal but now she was messing their deal up beyond repair. <I do not know..His original fate is beyond my control as you know, thus the strings I control him with. I can no longer sense or touch him? it wasn't like the last timeline, something had changed, something was wrong? I do believe you know that I am not as powerful as you are.> The woman seemed to scramble on her words as she seemed rather confused and you raise a brow at this reply before frowning as you tap your chin, you feel like your authority had been challenged somewhat due to her explaination, but it was impossible for outside sources to interfere right? they have no physical vessel unlike them.

This raised a concerning question, if there was an outside interference then how could they not sense it? this problem occured in the other timeline aswell. They couldn't access the timelines in certain periods of omniversal time and their presence was even eliminated alongside their physical body, this annoyance is what granted the timeline some unwanted freedom from their grasp, although they made sure to make it rather subtle, they always repaid this unknown annoyance by harming the timeline. /I see..Have you done anything to fix it?\ You decided to ponder on this later as you further question the woman <I've tried but I cannot do anything, I had hoped telling you after affirming my abilities as..Ineffective, you could do something to help fix it.> The woman fiddled with her thumbs as she glanced at you, this answer made you sneer, right now their physical body had suffered a type of blow from something that they could not fathom to comprehend and their abilities had significantly weakened, doing this deal had been a large supply of power for them but something had been going awfully wrong! this thought made you clench your fist in rage.

/Do not demand things from me about your own mistakes, you fix it yourself.\ You knew the moment you revealed a crack or weakness infront of this sly deity then you'd be suffering for awhile, after all deities are powerful entities of the omniverse other than creators..And those things. You frown after thinking of something unpleasent, it was a nuisence to gather all those hackers and eliminate all their code files into their own arsenal of puppets, but they hadn't imagined the first timeline would be so..Powerful, it was a straining task to keep things so underwraps even from Infinite Choas, and those helpful creators, always hearing those things plea's for help. You couldn't understand why everything was going so wrong? these timelines are anything but famous or even special to the creators to pay attention to, so you scrapped the idea of interference from the creators but you had a gut feeling that something was going to happen, they didn't know if it was a favourable feeling or a feeling of their eventual demise, after all creators especially hate their type of existence.


And thats all for the Halloween special, sorry for being late for posting it but I hope you all enjoyed it.

Guess you didn't suspect some short lore for a Halloween special huh? Thought I was gonna bring the characters trick or treating in Oraxis or through the multiverse. Nope, well, that was the original plan but I thought this was better.

However, this short lore includes a lot of secrets doesn't it? your smart enough to figure out many of the meanings and implications I planted in this special. However you won't be able to get all of them. I'm not that cliche, yet.

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