Chapter 1//The God of Destruction's Woes

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(Error's POV)

The dark halls were quiet, "What are you doing up this late Error? You should be asleep.." Nightmare's voice appeared from the shadows. Error looked at his closest friend and ally "Walking...?" Error replied with mild confusion, "At 2 in the morning? You need sleep Error, you don't even get to sleep at all." Nightmare's face was in a small frown of worry his tendrils curling. Nightmare was wearing a black turtleneck with Classic's shorts alongside his black slippers, a single socket that at the beginning of everything, was filled with tyrannical arrogance of a god but now it was all tired and expressionless just like his.

"I do not need sleep," Error fiddled with the knitting needles plainly while Nightmare remained silent his eye squinting for a moment, "If you do not need sleep then help me with paperwork at the very least." Nightmare would never request this of anybody else but Error only due to his extreme workaholic attitude, not one moment in Error's life did he have the chance to relax and destress from his sitaution which aided in his current habits and attitude. "Sure." Error put down the needles without a single protest like a robot that could only follow orders or commands, Error was the most difficult person in the gang when it came to expressing his troubles and overall health due to how much emotional and physical damage he had taken over the years "What are you hoping to achieve by living so long?" Nightmare tried to make a light joke but Error hummed softly without replying, he was ignored.

Nightmare rubbed his nasal bone with frustration. "A chance to go home...Where I won't be forced to destroy, a place where we can finally be happy again." Error muttered but it was loud enough for Nightmare to hear however his reply had the corrupted being frozen his soul trembling out of shock before he swallowed his choked back sadness, "....You know they'll never let us go, that is the weight and responsiblity we bare as Gods." Nightmare was originally just a small guardian but due to an incident where he was much younger than he was now his responsibility and capabilities grew ascending him into an even more unwanted role. Nightmare did not think of it as an entirely bad thing, he was able to help others who couldn't help themselves due to it such as his gang the others? successfully branched off after getting the sufficent help they needed to move on and finally be independant from the god.

Error glanced over the papers with his red glasses noticing the gaze of Nightmare time to time. "Is there something you need?" Error was a changed and adpatable individual solely built to follow orders and eliminate any unwanted garbage while also having a top priority to destroy AUs and Timelines, his emotions or opinion wouldn't change a thing no matter how much he wanted to escape it all and run, run as fast as he could, portal, death, so many things just to escape from his sitaution but instead his feeble attempts were taunted and even used as common entertainment, he could not snuff out the boiling rage and finally snapped. That was the past, Error had cooled down since then and much to misfortunate and everlasting hatred had to accept his sitaution like a good puppet.

"No, I was just wondering about something.." Nightmare shook his head lightly before looking at the clock on his desk it was nearing the time of dawn it hadn't occured to the two of how much time had passed, live long enough and the time eventually just dissapates like grains of sand, time was apart of mortality something neither of them had due to their sitautions. "Thats enough paperwork for today, I should get ready to create breakfast..You can lay on the lounge and watch Undernovela." Nightmare's only good few moments in this lifetime before the incident and the gang is finding out that Error actaully had something that sparked even the slightest amounts of positvity in him as a hobby, sitautions of entertainment with the gang didn't count as Error felt very uncomfortable not that they knew exactly why, but Nightmare had a hunch it had to do with past events. "Mhm.." Error hopped up from the top of the desk placing down the signed documents rather neatly in an organized pile before teleporting to the living room swirling his wrist in the air and down came knitting supplies and some yarn, Error looks at the puppet he was knitting unconciously and frowned lightly as he took in its features, it was a puppet of Ink.

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