Chapter 2//The Confines of Fate

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(Error's POV)

Error walked through a portal blinking with slight confusion before pulling up the code, confirming this place really was an AU. "Did Ink not finish this place or something...?" Error felt that option was possible however since he had never seen how AUs were made by Ink he couldn't be sure all he knew this AU had a file wipe of everything inside similiar to Cross's world but different. Error was prepared to return to the mansion after a long day but something glimmered in the blank space it confused Error how something could glimmer like there was light being reflected, such oddity attracted him as he walked towards it and picked it up feeling the smooth texture it felt like jade or some kind of smooth gem.

"What is this? A gem? I don't recongise it." Error has a wide information system stored in his body, literally, that allows him to recall everything he see's and learns it was something Fate had implented into him to allow further efficency and stricter enforcement on how he behaved, however this type of information network did not go into the romance catergory or common sense in general. Error in the eyes of people who didn't know him was a madman, the destroyer of worlds and an Error, something that had no right to exist yet did, defying all laws of what the multiverse knew about their own counterparts. Error as a glitch and anomaly did not belong to any AU, literally, he was a special entity that even Ink got speechless about his existence, it was a hailirious sight to behold considering Error has a hatred towards Ink.

Error felt the weight of the stone increase suddenly as invasive magic suddenly bursted through Error's body making him drop the smooth stone but that further intensified the agony he was in before he screamed, his body fizzling out violently. Numb...Blissful numbness, a horribly pleasent feeling that Error hadn't felt in a long time. He was falling into the void now, before he felt something violently yank his soul up and thrown through a violent unstable portal to the anti-void <WHAT DID YOU DO?!> Fate screamed however Error who just experienced excruicating pain and now a blissful type of numbness, he could not answer her anger. Fate's temporary vessel glared down at him, if he was still considered somewhat normal, Fate's mere presence would've driven him insane with horrible agony seeping into his soul.

Error was paralyzed it seemed Fate had noticed aswell and sneered <Useless thing...You bring me more problems everyday, your lucky your existence still has worth for my inkdrop.> Fate then tapped her chin clearly irritated, however Error could not express anything as he stared with a disturbingly blank expression, the anti-void was quiet usually the voices would assault him with various insults but it was quiet only because Fate was here. <Tsk..You will not leave here, spend your time in nothingness untill I deem you punished.> Fate held no sympathy towards the broken soul who was tattered and crushed the only expression Error could squeeze out was utter fear, the anti-void wasn't kind, it never had been and especially not to its only resident.

Fate left him, all alone in this white abyssal hell..Not even the voices appeared. The nothingness and seemingly infinite expanse of white was familiar yet foreign to the destroyer who had been its unwanted resident for eons, Error was scared, he desperately called out for something, or somebody...



Error had been in the anti-void for some time or atleast he think it was? the anti-void had no time in a visual sense, however the anti-void was still affected by time, just couldn't see it. Error used this time to reflect on his memories and knowledge to comfort him, an image of a skeleton appeared however Error felt his soul hurt "Nightmare..." He mumbled hearing the 'walls' echo it back before it repeated continously with fainter and fainter noise, Error hadn't been as scared of the anti-void since he first left but that didn't mean the anti-void didn't feel comfortable to the destroyer, it wasn't a home but his eternal prison of loathing and hatred.

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