Chapter 5: Trauma

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Trigger warning: Trauma and abuse

As Jungkook tries to push their relationship further, Taehyung feels more and more afraid. He begins to go to the room where Jin is charging and watches the cyborg sleep. Jungkook's touch terrifies him.

"Why? Why do you feel so unfamiliar? I thought that changing bodies would help." He cries as he sits next to Jin for comfort. As he cries, he remembers Jungkook's original body is in the clone room, so he gets up and goes to the room. "What am I even doing here? He's not in this body. He is out there wanting me to love him back, but I can't seem to." He cries and sits in the chair next to Jungkook's original body.

As he sits next to the body, a familiar warmth seems to fill him. He quietly closes his eyes and listens to the sounds of the machines beeping and breathing for Jungkook's body.

"I have missed you so much. I love you. I want you to hold me. Why can't I seem to tell you these things?" He cries and holds Jungkook's hand. "I miss you so much. It hurts so much. That is how much I miss you." He sobs and clings to the hand of the body in the bed.

Maybe I need closure. This was the body that he was in when I fell in love with him. In a way, he died and was reborn. Maybe I need to say good bye.

"Jungkookie, I have missed you so much. I love you so much. I dreamed of being with you everyday. I dreamed of seeing you again. I dreamed of you holding me. I dreamed of hearing you laugh and seeing you smile. I dreamed of a life where I had not suddenly disappeared. If only I had been stronger. I promise to get stronger, so we are not separated again. I love you so much, and I am so sorry for hurting you." Taehyung cries as he gently runs his fingers through Jungkook's hair.

As Namjoon walks into the clone room to clean Jungkook's and Taehyung's bodies, he stops when he hears Taehyung's cries.

"Namjoonie hyung, is that you?" Taehyung sniffles and looks up at the man.

"It is." Namjoon answers and walks over to him.

"What are you in here for?" He asks as he looks at the bowl and rag in Namjoon's hands.

"I came to clean them." Namjoon answers and points to the two bodies.

"Oh, can I clean this one?" Taehyung asks as he continues to hold Jungkook's body's hand.

"Sure." Namjoon softly smiles and hands the bowl and rag to Taehyung then leaves to let Taehyung cry in peace and privacy.

"I am glad to know that someone has been taking care of you." Taehyung whispers and gently cleans the body. "You never liked being dirty. You always showered with shampoo and soaps that weren't too strong in smell. You always smelled so soft. It was so comforting. You don't smell the same anymore. I am guessing that your new bodies don't have the sensitive sense of smell anymore. That makes sense. You would wonder what you would smell like with cologne on. I will say good bye to you today and let go of the past. You aren't the same, and I have to accept that. However, if I can't seem to fall in love with you again, I will tell you. I don't want to tie you down. I can't do that to you." 

When morning comes, Taehyung stands up and leaves the room. "Jungkook, good bye. May our past rest in peace." He whispers then walks out of the room.

"Would you like breakfast?" Jin asks when Taehyung walks into the kitchen.

"I would love some." Taehyung smiles then looks at the hallway where his and Jungkook's room is located. He takes a deep breath then walks to their room. "Jungkook?" He calls out as he walks into their room.

"Hm?" Jungkook responds and looks at Taehyung when he walks into the room.

"Did you sleep well?" Taehyung asks as he stands at the door.

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