Is it so hard to escape in peace?

Start from the beginning

There was only one way to get out of this situation and that was to be-

"You must be here to collect the girl" Delphine clicked her tongue, "It's best we do the handoff somewhere-" Her eyes motioned to the crowd, "-less crowded."

The one they were looking for, Delphine grinned-she couldn't wait to use her favorite act of all time.

Acting like a trashy stubborn noble.

The ogre that looked less like an ogre scratched his chin, "You were sent by the Red Rhombus?"

Delphine internally gagged, who the fuck is the Red Rhombus and which idiot came up with such a ridiculous ass name?

"The only one in town. He wants the business to be done with the least eyes," Delphine raised an eyebrow and let her disappointed gaze linger on them.

The band of ogres flinched at her words and shuffled under the weight of her gaze. Delphine grinned, she was bluffing with her words but she must've hit a jackpot with their reactions.

At least, she knew she was the one with authority in this situation.

"Names," She demanded as she flamboyantly twirled her dagger.

The leader-the less ogre looking one as Delphine liked to call him, "I'm Lionel and the one to the right-"

"The one that looks like an avocado fucked an ogre?"

There was a round of silence between the three members as their leader looked flabbergasted, "Err, yes ma'am- his name is Bruhel. The one next to Bruhel-"

"-the one who resembles a depressed llama in mating season?"

Bruhel's friend gasped at Delphine's comment, he turned pale as a ghost and hugged himself as if he were trying to comfort himself. Bruhel, on the other hand, already had tears in his eyes.

Men certainly are fragile creatures, Delphine mused as she kicked her legs forward with a mischievous smile.

Lionel hesitantly continued, "-His name is Cranny and next to Cranny is Almond." Lionel rapidly spoke, sparing no time for Delphine to insult his subordinate.

She choked, Almond? Fucking Almond? That's his name?

She drummed her fingers on the arm of the bench, "Almond, huh?"

"My parents thought my nose resemble an almond so they-"

"-so they named you almond because your nose resembled an almond. I can't tell if they were trying to be nice to you or if it was an inside joke between the both of them?" Delphine dryly interrupted, she dismissively waved her hand at them, "Follow me."


Delphine exited the station with the little girl perched on her hips and four fragile ogres following her. Most girls dreamed of starting off their trip to the capital by exploring the city and getting saved by a dashing knight. Instead, Delphine started off her trip to the capital in illegal slave tradings, fighting mercerny men with fragile self-esteems and exploring local cemeteries.

She looked down at the sleeping little girl. Delphine thought it was better to cast a sleeping spell on her before they left the station. She wasn't a great fighter but even she knew that having a kid in the fight would just be a distraction. Plus, she didn't want the child to hear about how she was going to be sold off.

"Did Red tell you why he wanted this kid?" Her heart pounded in her chest, every question she asked could potentially turn against her. She needed to tread carefully with her questions.

The Bizarre Tale Of DelphineWhere stories live. Discover now