I Should've Fucking Hired Goons

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Count and Countess Bythesea I



COUNTESS BYTHESEA entered the doors of her husband's office and strode towards him with such elegance and grace that she almost captured the former's countess's walk. Count Bythesea was by no means a handsome husband and his personality was not gracious but his wealth made up for all of his insufficiencies. His beady green eyes met her indifferent stare and he motioned for her to take a seat. The lines around his eyes were deep and beginning to crinkle as he took in her appearance. No doubt to compare her to his former wife, her conscience sardonically whispered. She swallowed and drew her lips into an elegant smile, she would not let her thoughts deter her from what she came to accomplish.

"It is quite the shame that Delphine left the estate," She lamented, waving her fan under her chin delicately. She fell back into the chair and sniffled, "The world is such a cruel place,"

His forehead creased and a slow menacing chuckle left his lips, "Indeed my countess, the world is a cruel place." He rapped his knuckles against his desk, "Delphine will come to realize that and beg to return to the estate."

Her lips curled at the sight of her fuming husband, she could hear his shallow rapid breaths and it filled her with joy to know he was absolutely distressed. "Darling, Delphine is no longer young, she's an adult now and I'm sure she's just going through a phase." She stood behind his chair and squeezed his shoulders, "I'm sure what she needs is a little bit of guidance to make her come back to her senses."

The count scratched his chin, "She just had to throw a fit when I'm in the middle of signing a deal with the Winns."

She slid her hands to his chest and leaned over his chair to place her ruby lips near his ears, "Mhmm my husband, the county can't afford to have you distracted over Delphine during this precious period."

He shifted under her light touch and she grinned when his hand began to rub circles on the inside of her wrist. The minute his hand reached her forearm, she slowly sat on the arm of the chair and gently touched his knees with her leg. He snaked an arm around her waist and tugged her onto his lap. She could see his beady green eyes turn lustful and in that moment she knew she had won. She slid her hand under his chin to tilt his head so their lips were only a few inches away, "Don't worry, my darling. I will ensure Delphine learns her lesson."




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