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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.






EVERYONE WONDERS about the afterlife. It was only natural that all humans were curious about the afterlife. Some even built specific theories based on religious grounds about the afterlife while others approached it through a scientific lens. Personally, she never gave the afterlife much thought because she already had a slight idea about what it was like. The devil didn't seem like a stickler for rules and the angels didn't seem so strict they wouldn't allow for a little bit of extravagance in their systems.

Delphine always thought the afterlife resembled a tea salon.

Smooth dark velvet couches laid across the marble floors while alabaster columns the size of giants sprouted from the floor. Jazz played throughout the venue as souls mingled with each other, spilling stories about their lives and regretting how short their lives were. She imagined herself mingling with crowds and engaging in philosophical discussions about the living. She even looked forward to meeting with whatever deities truly existed in this world.

"SO WHY IS IT THAT YOU GODDAMNED STINGY BASTARDS SENT ME BACK TO THE PAST!" The veins near her throat bulged as she screamed into the bloody cold night from the balcony. Delphine fiercely gripped the polished white marble railing until her knuckles turned a ghostly white. She clenched her jaw , she died a few days ago. The sword pierced her heart , tearing open every bloody vessel and sending terrifying jolts to every limb of her body. She remembered her lungs gasping for air as blood drowned them. She knew the very moment her life slipped away and her eyes closed for what she hoped was eternity.

"No, no, no no no." She squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped her head in her arms. Cold shivers ran up her spine from the chilly breeze of the night. Her heart refused to stop beating like a wild horse and her palms began to sweat at the thought of reliving her miserable life again. She didn't want to endure the same pain, hatred and misery from her last life. Her shoulders dropped, it had been a week since she returned to the past. She spent the whole week desperately trying to return to the dead. Hell, she'd even take a trip back to the moment before she stabbed her heart with that stupid sword.

"Magic circles, posion and even falling from this stupid balony!" She huffed, smacking her head against the marble balustrades in an attempt to die from severe head injury, "Nothing kills me!" She groaned, flopping to the floor.

Delphine stared up at the quiet night sky, she didn't know how long she was locked up in her room but for the first time in a very long time, she learned to cherish the solitude of the night and the cold breeze as her company. The only ray of light she saw in her locked up room were the soft beams of moonlight. Her family ensured that during her punishment in her final years she never saw a single ray of sunlight. Now that she returned to the past, her movement wasn't limited. She could walk wherever she wanted, bathe in the fucking sunlight, scream at her very will and no one would give an absolute shit.

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