"Why not? You know the deal; you keep me satisfied, and I keep you out of SHU's way." Officer Roy chuckled out. "You wanna get out of here right? Then keep your mouth shut." Officer Roy ordered.

Tex's eyes grew wide.



Yn's POV


Now I really envy Ho-yeon and Ha Jun's finance stability.

This hotel room kicks ass!

"Wow! this is crazy!" Yoo-mi exclaimed.

"When you have a high paying job, anything with this type of cost will be chump change to you." Ho-yeon chuckled out.

We set our luggage down and examined the room.

I looked out the window to see the whole view of the plaza.

"Man, this place is awesome." I sighed out.

"First time here?" Ho-yeon asked.

"Yes!" Me and Yoo-mi both replied in sync.

I smiled as I continued to admire the view.

"I honestly wish that it was just me and Dong Wook here...just the two of us." I thought to myself.

"Just the two of them here does sound great." Lust chuckled as they bit their lip.

"Yeah, just a romantic dinner at night...some slow dancing..." Love sighed out.

"Late night fucking in a queen size bed." Lust added in.

"I mean...that too." Love chuckled out.

"I bet he's thinking the same thing right now." Lust spoke.

Dong Wook's POV

"Whoo! Bachelor's party in effect!" Jung Jae yelled as he threw his luggage on the bed.

"So, what's the plan?" Anupam asked.

"Well...I just thought about us doing some jet skiing." Ha Jun chuckled out. "I...really don't know what to do at a bachelor's party." Ha Jun admitted.

Jung Jae snapped his head at him.

"Uh oh..." Ji-cheol, Hae-soo, and Anupam all muttered in sync.

"Well then be happy you got a party guy in the group." Jung Jae chuckled out as he wrapped an arm around Ha Jun's shoulder. "C'mon, there's a shit ton of things to do on your last day of freedom before you get chained to one girl." Jung Jae announced as he went into the kitchen area.

"Uhhh, is he always like this?" Ha Jun asked.

"Oh, he's just getting started." Hae-soo chuckled out.

Dong Wook sat down on the bed then looked out the window to see you on the other side. He smiled as he admired your face shining in the sun.

"There she is; the woman I'm falling for." Dong Wook thought to himself.

Back to you

"Hey, we should hit the pool!" Yoo-mi suggested.

"You and me are thinking the same thing." Ho-yeon chuckled out as she dug into her suitcase to get out her swimsuit.

I went and got mine, then we all began to change.

When we got to the pool, a feeling of fear began to fill my body.

There were a lot of guys out here, and here I am in a black string bikini.

"C'mon Yn! Let's find a good spot." Ho-yeon announced as her and Yoo-mi went to the lounge chairs.

Okay Yn...just breathe in...breathe out..

Breathe in...breathe out

Okay, this is not helping at all.

I began to look around and see that all eyes were on me.

These men...looking at me in a hungry way, as if I was a deer surrounded by a pack of wolves.

"Anxiety what are you doing?" Common Sense asked.

"Giving her the fearful image." Anxiety replied.

"Stop, you're not helping!" Common Sense yelled.

I whimpered as my heart began to race more and more as the atmosphere began to slowly drop at the sight of these men slowly walking towards me with lustful looks in their eyes.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand grab my shoulder, making me slowly turn around.

My heart dropped at the sight of the man from the bus.

I screamed.

"No! No! Don't touch me!" I screamed out.

"Whoa! I was gonna ask if you're okay ma'am."

I blinked a few times as everything began to revert back to reality.

The bus pervert was just a simple guy who looked at me concerned.

I looked around to see everyone, including Yoo-mi and Ho-yeon, staring at me.

It was all just some hallucination of paranoia.

Feeling embarrassed, I ran out the pool area, despite Yoo-mi calling me to come back.

I ran back into the hotel room and changed back into my original clothes. I then sat on the bed in a fetal position and began to sob quietly.

"Dammit..." I whispered out.

Maggie's POV

"Are you serious!?" Razor Blade exclaimed.

"Are you sure that's what you heard?" Scarlet Letter asked.

"Yes, serious as a fucking STD." Tex replied.

"There's gotta be some more info to this, because why is Officer Roy lusting after her like that?" Big T asked.

"Because he's a fucking pervert." Scarlet Letter replied.

"The question I have is; why is he being so harsh on the Magster?" Razor Blade asked.

"I don't know." Tex replied. "I don't know if he's a racist or anything, but he's being way more of a dick towards her than any other girl here." Tex stated.

"Something is up with that bastard, and I'm gonna tell Maggie when she gets out of SHU." Razor Blade declared as she slammed her fist down on the table with dedication.

"Lord, help us all." Love sighed.

November 4th, 2022

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