Interviewing Just_let_go

Start from the beginning

A: Lol.When I was hanging out with my cousins and his friends when I was about four or five. They were high before I came over to their house. I sat on his lap, and he got a boner....I asked him what was pointing up from his pants...I think you can put the pieces together from there. 

Q:OMG. EWW! Anyways, I should change the subject! So, what is the randomist thing, you’ve ever done?

A: One time, during a math test, I started humping a table leg...

Q: WTF. Tom! Tom, darling you are so weird lol. Why’d you do that?! That doesn’t stop the crave xD remember the pillow more fun!

A: LOL! So much fun! Oh because I was thinking about my girlfriend instead of my test...

Q:So, you’re bi?  Can I ask you something, I know this is irrelevant, but kind of important do you get teased? I want to ask because we just had gay week and I want to know how this effects you.

A: Well to be honest, none of my real life friends know that I'm bisexual only one does, but I trust her a lot and she wouldn’t tell anyone.

Q:Are you scared?

A: Yes very. I don't want them to hate me because of the fact that I'm bi. And I don't want to lose anyone that's close to me.

Q:I wouldn’t think they would hate you.Did they outlaw gay marriage in Canada?

A: No, here we're allowed to have gay marriages. We have pride here, too.

Q:  Canada, pfft. Haha. I swear people are so ignorant for always judging. So do you play any instruments or have any talents besides being h**ny every five seconds xD

A: hahahah! Yes I play the Tuba. It hits me on the head at least twice a week XD It being twice my size and all.

Q: Are you in band?

A: Nope! I'm far too lazy to wake up early in the morning to go, even though my music teacher was pretty much begging for me to join.

Q:So, do you have a life besides going on Wattpad?

A: Yes, a very funny, weird life actually.

Q: Would you tell us why?

A: Well, because I sometimes walk dogs. There's this one dog who hates all my friends and bites them and barks and my friends run away screaming like three year olds XD. My friend, Abby stepped in dog shit because I pushed her in it!

Q: Lol. What kind of friend are you, haha.

A: I'm the mostly quiet one, always thinking, always wondering and apparently, the slow one too XD since you keep saying that im slow!

Q:Because you are! Lol. So do you have a main character or a story that actually means something to you?

A: Actually they all mean something to me. The main female and most male are  part of my personality.

Q: Is there one that really stands out for you?

A:  Yes, Diary of a girl with a messed up life.

Q: And why is that?

A: Because that story is based on my real life. Everything in there is real, some bits are nonfiction, just to spice things up a bit. It stands out to me because it shows you all of how I am in real life.

Q: I should definitely read. I know I didn’t ask this to the other writers, but what is your background?

A: I'm African. My parents were born and raised in west Africa in a country called Ghana, but came to Canada about 7 years before I was born.

Q: Oh, so you’re Canadian. Pretty cool like Miley Cyrus would say haha. So, do you have any African American characters?

A: I have African-Canadian XD. Yes, two stories, A book for a man whore (but she's only half black) and Diary of a girl with a messed up life.

Q: MM. So, who are your favorite Authors on Wattpad?

A: I have a lot, but I really do think everyone in TEF are amazing writers. Also, that chick who wrote "Came home to find a hot guy in my bed WTF?!?" is extremely good haha and buffoon, po3m boy, and as well as Georgie-oso.

Q:Cool, so what are your favorite authors outside?

A: Sarah Dessen FTW! Ally Carter, Kelley Armstring (She’s Canadian!), Ellen Hopkins, Kate Brian, Dr. Seuss, Kit Pearson, and Suzanne Collins.

Q: What is your pet peeve?

A: When people eat with their mouths open.

Q: Do you like or play any sports?

A: Love sports! I play volleyball and basketball.

Q: What type of sports do you watch?

A: Hockey.

Q:What’s your favorite team?

A: the Montreal Canadians!

Q: What type of music do you listen to?

A: Alternative music FTW!

Q: Agreed. What are your favorite TV shows?

A: Supernatural, Pretty Little Liars, Chicago Code, Glee, Modern Family, The real house wives of Atlanta, Say yes to the dress, How I met your mother, The big bang theory and Judge Judy.

 Q: Okay. Gosh damn, you watch too much. lol. So, what type of genre do you write?

A: Romance, Teen fiction, and sometimes Fantasy.

Q: What is your least favorite?

A: Not a big fan of fiction.

Q:What is your goal out of this?

A: To get people to read my stories and love them!


Well thank you for having the time to let me interview you, I had a fun time. I hope you had a fun time. So, here’s my random question, well it’s more like thinking a question. What do you think about the most?

A: Sex. lol I had a fun time as well!

Q:I n the sex or the interview xD

A: The interview. Lol


Extra xD

Dirty convo xD

Are you thinking about how long this will be?

I think it’s going to be long .

--Next time, I'll be interviewing Frakkevin :D

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