What if he didn't stop hurting her.

What if he hurt Alex and James.

What if they were suffering this entire time.

"I'm sorry skye " he  said with such emotion it concerned her. Something was obviously wrong with him.

"It's okay" it wasn't okay and she didn't forgive him but she didn't want to anger him.

"It's not though. I could have tried harder. I should have tried more. I shouldn't have left you alone even for a second. I should have convinced them. I should have done more" he started ranting.

"I didn't know he was part of a gang. I didn't know fully what he was capable of. He was just a violent man who took you from me but then I found out hes a drug gang member. How am I suppose to let you tell me it's okay. It's not okay. It never will be"

Skye gulped. Did he know. What was he talking about.

"I let my Skye get taken all because I was too fucking weak. I could have tried harder" he seemed to forget she was in the room.

Suddenly he stopped continuing his rant realising she was still there.

"What do you know" Skye whispered dreading his response.

"You were kidnapped by men, last week I found out they were the drug gang. Did they give you to care or did they hold you hostage"

Skye never expected this. She didn't know what to say.


"Skye please don't lie. Please just tell me. Please" he needed to know. He needed to know if Frank hurt her.

Skye burst out crying. Not even Lorenzo knew but somehow Marco the boy who hated her knew.

"We never went into care" she whispered as she cried harder.

Marco gulped. He didn't know what to say only he couldn't let his Skye get taken from him again and he couldn't let her suffer like he had.

He suprised them both when he hugged her.
Skye not having anyone else broke down in his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Marco said hating himself.

He could have stopped it. He should have stopped it.

"I'm sorry I should have tried harder" he whispered pulling her closer as tears fell from his face.

"What do you mean" Skye asked knowing  he was only 4 years older so he would have only been 8. He couldn't have done something.

"Nico was ill so he couldn't attend the party and you begged me to come so I did.  It was being supervised by the kids parents so dad dropped us off. I was responsible for you"

"No you were 8. The parents were responsible for us all" Skye said understanding what he meant.

"I tried Skye. I tried so hard to stop them. I begged them to take me instead but they wouldn't. They...he....he wouldn't let me go"   Marcos voice cracked as he spoke, tears running down his face.

"He?" Skye questioned. She knew the men were brutal and didn't want even Marco to go through the pain they put them through.

"His name was Frank" Marco whispered.

Skye blinked and stepped away hearing that name. She found herself panicking. She backed herself into the wall whispering and mumbling the word 'no' over and over. Marco grew scared knowing what Frank was capable of.

"Skye please it's okay, you're safe. He's not here. He's gone. You're safe" he tried to comfort her as she slid down against the wall pulling her knees to her chest protectively.

The lost tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now