Train rides and Stories

Start from the beginning

"Look I miss them and I want to see them. I do. But when they left things just got worse," she said with hurt in her voice, "Luisa had more work to do. You and Camilo had to take over babysitting. Mama got more tired and Tía was a mess of nerves," she listed causing everyone to look down and remembering all the pressure put on them. "and I tried so hard to make sure we wouldn't fall apart by being perfect. That I ended up pushing every one of you away," she said looking at her youngest sister with tears in her eyes. "They would be disgusted with me,"

Mirabel moved to assure she forgave her sister. "It's alright you were still a kid too," she comforted and hugged her. "And look at you now. You're being your true self they would be happy with how much you've grown," this seemed to cheer Isa up but she still felt bad for how she neglected her sisters.

"She's right kid it wasn't your fault it was mine," Bruno said remembering the past that lead up to that night.


About two years after Angelina quince's mama had arranged for her to meet with the old town matchmaker to help determine a list of possible suitors for her to settle down with.

"Papa, why do I have to I have to entertain this nonsense" Angelina exclaimed "Ignacio and Javier aren't going,"

"Elenita, your grandmother only wants you to be happy," he said cupping his daughter's cheeks. "Beside your brothers are next,"

"Pero Papi, this is marriage were talking about,"

"I know but not for a while now,"

"I just don't get why she can't let me find my own partner,"

"Maybe because you don't get along with most of your peers,"

"Not my fault they all became bobos. Maybe Abuela should teach them to be grown-ups first,"

"Mí vida, you know how my mother is and even if she did she can't control other people's actions,"

"Yeah, even with her being on the council she can't be everywhere at once,"


"dosnet stop her from acting like our powers can,"


"Is this the same matchmaker you went to?"

"Yes and she lead me to your mama,"

"I thought you and mama meet after coming back from a bad date,"

"I did. The person from that date was from the matchmaker and if I didn't go I wouldn't have met your mother,"

"I miss her,"

"I know I do to but she still here," he points to his heart and head then does the same to Angie "and here,"

"When you love someone they stay right here in your heart,"

"I just wish she could've stayed longer,"

They heard the clock ring telling them it's time.

"It's time for you to go,"

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