Part 9

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(A/n : those who are not able to catch the time duration y/n and Jk have been talking. The Album by 1D was released in November and they announced hiatus in January 2016 so technically they have been talking since 2-3 months now. Y/n have returned to her hometown and they are very close friends. They talk regularly and have comforted each other in few situations.)

3 days later
Calling  Jungkook Bunny 🐰......

Jk: hello who's this (in korean)

You: hello is this bunny boy? What language is this (drunk state)

Jk: y-y/n !!! ( he is shocked that you have called him out of random)

You: yes Jeon Junkoo

Jk: (chuckles) is Jeon Jungkook . How are you

You: I'm not fine. I hate everything about my life (in a whiny tone)

Jk: why?? I mean why would you say that?

You: I don't like it here (sniffles ) everything is bad. I feel suffocated. I need h-help (burst into tears.)

Jk: I am sorry this is a random question but Are you drunk???

You: yes but I am telling you the truth. Do you trust me Kookieeeee

Jk: y-yes I trust you y/n but please tell me what happen? And why are you so drunk??

You: I don't want to burden you . I know you will also run away someday. Everyone does this to me. I am drunk because I am alone.

Jk: you can tell me anything you want okay? I don't know if your drunk state is talking or its your heart. But let me tell you one thing that I will never ever leave you .

You: you will leave me. My childhood friend left me all broken then how can I trust anyone huh? Leave it
( he suddenly hears a thud )

Jk: y-y-n is ev-everthing alright? (Worried tone)

You: yes everything is alright except my heart. It's painting a lot. (Crying) ( glass shattering)

Jk: where are you

You: my apartment

Jk: are you alone?

You: yess

Jk: I heard something breaking what was it?

You: it was just the bottle nothing else or may be my heart and soul

Jk: hey please calm down. We will talk about this tomorrow when you are in right state okay? Right now lets get you a little sleep .

You: I don't want to sleep.

Jk: why

You: I don't like it

Jk: (chuckles) you need to sleep miss

You: no

Jk: wait
(Jk wants to FaceTime you..)



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You: you are so cute

Jk: (passes amused smile) you are beautiful. But thats not what we are doing right now. Go to your bedroom now

You: no I will not

Jk: please listen to me.

You: if I do then what will I get ( cutely)

Jk: stop pouting okay (raises eyebrow) I will tell you my secret  tomorrow.

You: fine wait ( enters her room) now what

Jk: go to your bed

( you do as he say)

You: I will not sleep

Jk: tell me 3 things you are grateful for today?

You: that is so random. (Into deep thoughts) art, you and H my directioner bestie.

Jk: ( blushes to hear him in that list) okay okay. One reason why you are grateful for these three things?

You: art is my first love, you are my first male bestie, H is my first true friend ( smiles)

Jk: and these will be here for the longest time possible okay?

You: I just hope so

Jk: ( otp: hey Jk just start the recording its getting late) yes hyung . I will just make her sleep first.

You: who is it. Nobody wants us to talk isn't it Bunny

Jk: its not like that. What really calms you down tell me???

You: music, art , dance I guess

Jk: I think I will sing you to sleep but first place the phone somewhere and close your eyes

You: okay done

( he starts singing snd soon you drift into deep slumber. He then watches you to confirm if you are asleep takes ss and disconnects the call)

 He then watches you to confirm if you are asleep takes ss and disconnects the call)

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