Chapter 26: You Will Know Our Names

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Inside the realm, the duo found themselves standing in front of the true Raiden Shogun at last.

Ei: Indulge my curiosity. What is the reason that I find the two of you standing here before me once again?

Ei: Do you hope your foolhardiness will shelter those people? Or... was it simply a means of seeking an audience with me?

Aether: The Fatui have deceived the Raiden Shogun.

Adam: The Vision Hunt Decree should never have existed.

Ei: Oh? Surely you didn't rouse me from my state of eternal meditation only to tell me this? If so, then you underestimate me. I am quite well-informed about the Vision Hunt Decree.

Ei reveals that she allows the Vision Hunt Decree to go on despite knowing of the Fatui's involvement as it poses no threat to her ideals of eternity. Which shocks both of them.

Aether: You know everything that's going on outside?

Ei: Not so. Only everything that pertains to eternity.

Ei: The Vision Hunt Decree has my tacit approval.

Ei: The Fatui's actions thus far do not constitute a threat to eternity, otherwise... they would have been purged long ago.

Aether: But the Vision Hunt Decree is damaging. It comes at a great cost to the people of Inazuma.

Adam: That's a total bullshit! Is this some kind of sick fucking joke to you?!

Ei: Individual ambition is inherently incompatible with eternity.

Ei: What you two might not realize is that all too often... people have far more to lose by chasing their dreams.

Ei: Consider this - no one will lose their life on account of having their Vision taken away...

Ei: Rather, those who have lost their lives are the ones who insisted on pursuing their own aspirations, are they not?

Adam: Hey Ei! Your dream is stupid!

Everyone gasps when, the Deadwei- I mean the Mercenary said that.

Ei: Hey! Nobody gets to say my dream is stupid expect me!

Adam: It's dumb!

Ei: No! It's not!

Adam: It is!

The two opponent engaged into an argument as Aether and Paimon just stare in utter disbelief.

Aether: What the actual Fuck is happening right now....

Paimon: Paimon is confused as well.

As the argument goes for a few moments, Ei was fuming so bad, she couldn't make a comeback against Adam's snarky, sarcastic comments about her Ideals.

As Adam continue to bullying her, until they heard some sobbing making them frozen on their tracks the group gaze upon Ei, who's about to cry.

Ei: Y-you're.... so *sob* ...*sob*... mean.

Adam: Oh crap... I went too far...

He said while now sweating bullets as both Paimon and Aether look at their companion with dead eyes.

Aether: Bruh... You just made a girl, cry.

Paimon: That was pretty harsh, Deadweight.

Adam: H-Hey, don't cry...

Ei was starting to sob uncontrollably, as Adam's two companions is looking at him, he sweats profusely.

Adam: T-that was joke! Please don't cry!

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