Infected vs Error404, meeting with nightmare and Ink

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I sense danger approaching rapidly. This is it. I turn around to see Nightmare. His goopy appearance and tendrils all present. I positioned my axe in more battle mode to make my moves easier and more devastating. He looked confident. How perciliar he probably has plan in mind. I am sure of it. I can say there are a lot of people at this particular location. Not bad Nightmare, but you are gotta try harder than that. 

Infected: Look who the cat dragged in. I stated looking directly at Nightmare. He knew that I am talking about him. I noticed his worry, despite his best efforts to hide it. Okey Nighty the game is on. 

Nightmare: You are not worried at all? He asked looking as confident as possible trying to make me fear him. I really wanted to laugh at him. I decided to not to would be too disrespectful. Maybe I should have done it to engolf his resolve for defeating me. I am convinced he will do exactly that with or without his army of his. 

Infected: What should I worry about you with your little army? I ask smiling with crazyness. He looked with shock. I really creepily laughed at him. He really thought I am not going to realize his plan or sense auras of his army? I can say it's some Sanses and mostly Charas. 

Nightmare: How did you? He asked with more worry. I do not sense fear, which is good. I am going to hold back to give them slight chance of doing something. They won't be able to do anything,if I will go full power. It will end too quickly. 

Infected: So what are we going to do here? I questioned waiting for Nightmare to finally attack me. That will send signal to others most likely to do same. Let's see what he is going to do. Nightmare stands for some time. Then he goes for me. He lengthen his tendrils to impale me. I easily cut them with my axe. He narrows his eyes and then looks at another direction. So he is saying to assist him. Well let's watch their teamwork. 

Suddenly gaster blaster fires at me. I react instantly by creating wall of bones, which protects me. I saw that this was Dust. I notice figure running to me at high speeds. I bloock incoming strike. It was Horror who tried to overpower me, but had no luck. I punch him so fast and hard he comes crushing into nearby mountain. The power behind my punch and landing was enough to leave krator in it. It seems Horror is not available now. Killer tried to charge at me when I am distracted. He used his knife, but I just created bones that shotted to his destanation. He managed to move away, but still had to ditch his attack for that. I see several Charas coming from all directions. It seems they are trying to overwhelm me by numbers. 

What a fools. They just made my job easier. I impale Charas with my bones. This killed them instantainiously. Other Charas watch in horror at their comparedes dead bodies and at me. Poor creatures, but I am not done yet. I swing my axe creating humongous slash. It flew right to Chara's. A massive explosion was emitted from my attack. Nightmare's army is diminishing more as I fight. He isn't looking worried for now. But he is definetely quite perplexed by me. 

Charas: Nightmare what we do. This guy seems to be too powerful even for all of us to take on. Charas exclaimed very sure about this statement. They knew for a fact Infected was just too strong. They saw he was holding back even now. He did not even use his gaster blasters yet. 

Nightmare: Shit I can't risk you dying here. Leave to my castle. Hopefully those Charas that was killed by him is there. This might be turning really bad. All Charas leave after his command. He realized that no matter how hard they tried, they would never defeat Infected. He was simply too powerful. In fight he seemed to get stronger, which only decreased their non-existant chances. 

Infected: What? Already giving up? Come on we were only getting to good part. I say knowing that Nightmare won't be able to continue on. He most likely came into conclusion that I am way out of their league to face on. This is true because even this broken version of Error, which I am sure is weaker than Canon one would annihialate them. I am far stronger than him. Shame I didn't use any of my gb's or my souls(fires). I did hold back considerably, but it helped them very little. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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