Infected and Bad Time Trio becaming friends.

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Error looked at Infected with surprise and curiosity. He never saw Sans like that. He was tall and strong. It like he was radiating power from within himself. Error felt as if this Sans is much stronger than anyone, he ever encountered. Maybe not the most powerful, however something is telling Error that this Infected is stronger than himself by a far. 

Somehow Error thought that he will get along with this guy, just fine. Anyways Error wanted to get to know Infected. He had never saw him, so obviously it would be a facinating conversation. Anyways Error figured that he needs to response to this dude before he comes to any conclusions. 

"Nice to meet you Infected my name is Error" Error replied while fighting off voices trying to force him to kill Infected. He knew that he couldn't do anything to this guy somehow. 

"So what is this place, I was trying to go to another universes but it seems I ended up somewhere else" Infected said while mentioning Anti-Void.

"This is Anti-void a space between time, space and aus. Normally only I and Ink can go to this place. Apparently there is someone else that is capable of that" Error answered Infected's question. 

"I see, do you know how to navigate within multiverse? Moreover who is Ink?" Infected questioned with intention to get more information. 

"I can teach how to travel in multiverse. Ink is creator of aus and their guardian. He is my main enemy as I am the forced God of Destruction. Advice if you will go to aus, you need to be away form that guy as far as possible" Error answered Infected's question with informative data. Also he doubt that this Sans will listen to him. He can only pray nothing bad happens to this guy. Still he can't shake feeling that Infected is stronger than him. 

"Wait forced? Does that mean someone is forcing you to be G.O.D?" Infected asked

"Yeah kinda like that. I can't say who it is, since it can indanger you and me. Although I can sense that you are powerful. I want to ask a favor from you" Error explained his situation. He asked for help from Infected. 

"Favor, you say? What kind of help, do you seek?" Infected asked. Obviously I was curious what Error had to say to me

"There is a group called Bad Time Trio. I think you can helo them, since we are friends and they were sufforing for a long time. I am pretty sure you can easily end humans live" Error aswered truthfully. I could definately help og Sans, us Papyrus or how he si called Carrot and storyshift Chara. Trio of judges and they give you a bad time. They don't have enough power to oblitirate Frisk forever. I on the other hand do possess this strength. 

"I see, that a very easy request. Alright if you tutor me in multiverse navigation, then I will help you with anything you like" Infected answered with some condition. Not that he wasn't ahppy to help without a price. But he needed to learn how to travel between universes. Truthfully Ink is a problem for me. Since I don't know how strong I am compared to him. I can only test my strength in fight with Frisk. 

"Alright I will teach, it is not difficult" Error agreed to Infected's terms. Error is a god and the one of beings that can go to aus. Obviousy he knows how to not get lost in multiverse. That why infected only smiled and then he listened closely. Error has told a very infomative lecture about multiverse structure and how to navigate in it. He even showed and made Infected to remember everything. Luckily Infected had an absolute memory where he can get information and remember it forever just by breefly seeing it. 

After getting entire lesson about Multiverse, Infected could proudly say that he knows a lot about it. Now I can safely travel in universe, not fearing anything or anyone. I am not scared of Ink, if he ever shows up and will fight with me, then I will fight till my last breath if necessary. Now I went into the place Error said where Bad Time Trio normally went to. 

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