Chapter Five: September 1st

Start from the beginning

"First off, uniforms will be here sometime before your first game, which is next week, on Tuesday. As you could probably tell, the team colors are yellow and blue. We're.." The coach threw her arms out, accidentally smacking a girl beside her. "The Hexside Banshees!"

"That's pretty badass." Boscha said, smiling at the spectacle. Luz hummed in agreement, not taking her eyes off Mrs. Clawthorne.

"And, the leader of the Banshees is.."

Luz could already tell Mrs. Clawthorne really enjoyed making people wait. Or she really liked having dramatic effect. Either way, it worked. Luz stood there impatiently. She'd have been bouncing with anticipation if she wasn't crowded up against the doorframe beside-

"Boscha Linder!"

While Luz wasn't ecstatic about not being team captain, she was glad it was her friend. She looked over at Boscha, who was grinning and laughing.

"Now, you all get out and go practice or something. Nothing is mandatory, unless it's a game or a meeting. If you slack, I'll kick you off the team. We clear?"

Even though, they probably should've been listening to the important sounding threat from their coach, Boscha and Luz instantly went off.

"Hell yeah!" Boscha half-screamed, getting the attention of basically everyone.

"Congrats!" Luz said, smiling brightly as she bumped fists with Boscha.

"I bet it was close. Between us I mean, you're pretty good too." Boscha said genuinely, grabbing a stray ball and tossing it to Luz. "Wanna play?"

"Oh wait!"

Luz turned around to see the three girls from early walking over. "Hey!" Luz said, waving slightly at the three.

"We wanted to talk to you two. Since we have a  game, I thought we should strategize." One of the girls said.

"I think we should actually know who we're playing with first." Boscha said.

"Oh. Yeah." The girl said, laughing awkwardly. "I'm Skara, master strategist!" She exclaimed.

"I'm Cat!" Said the girl to Skara's left, waving at the pair.

"Oh and I'm Amelia!" The last girl said, smiling.

"I'm Luz, nice to meet you!"

"I think you already know, but I'm Boscha."

"Back to the strategy, I was thinking.." Skara explained her idea, and had the five of them run through a few different plays and moves she'd come up with.

"You're really good at this." Boscha said, bumping shoulders with Skara.

"Thanks!" Skara replied, watching as Luz dribbled past Cat and shot the ball. "We all work well together too, so that helps a lot."

"Hey, come over here!" Boscha said, waving for the other three members to join them. "What's next?"

"Oh, actually I don't have anything else planned right now. We were able to run through everything quicker than I thought." Skara said, grabbing her phone and scrolling through what was probably an absurd amount of notes. "But if we can all meet tomorrow and practice, that'd be great."

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