Dong Wook's POV

"Dong Wook are you okay?" Ha Jun asked.

"Y-yes, just peachy." Dong Wook lied.

"You don't look fi-"

"I'm fine!" Dong Wook yelled, startling Ha Jun in the process. 

Dong Wook then put on a fake smile as he looked out the window.

"Dude, are you afraid of heights?" Ha Jun asked.

Dong Wook remained silent.

"Hey, why you didn't say anything?" Ha Jun asked, feeling concerned for him.

"Because I didn't wanna spoil this for everyone." Dong Wook spoke in a shaky tone.

"Don't worry boss man, it's only an hour flight." Jung Jae assured him.

"Aish, this is gonna feel like an eternity." Dong Wook thought as the plane began to go into the run way.

Dong Wook looked out the window to see the plane lift off the ground then let out a fearful cry as he gripped the seat.

"What if the plane crash?"

"What if you lose oxygen while in the air?"

"What if the plane explode?"

"What if you all land in the middle of the ocean and drown to death?"

Anxiety was just hovering above Dong Wook's head, rambling worse case scenarios in his ear.

Yoo-mi's POV

"Yoo-mi, are you alright?" Ji-cheol asked.

"I miss Maggie." Yoo-mi croaked out. "It's just not fair."

"We all miss her." Ji-cheol spoke. "Maybe we can send her a postcard or something." Ji-cheol suggested, trying to cheer Yoo-mi up.

"It's not the same." Yoo-mi sobbed out as she placed her head in her hands.

Ji-cheol panicked a bit, but then he pulled Yoo-mi into a hug while rubbing her back.

That began to calm Yoo-mi down a bit as she buried her face into his chest.

Yoo-mi began to inhale some of Ji-cheol's cologne then felt her heart beginning to race.

"Ah shit, she's inhaling some of that horny scent." Lust commented.

"Oh, no, no, no! This can't happen!" Love exclaimed as they began to panic.

"Calm down, it's not like anything's gonna happen between them." Common Sense stated.

"You don't know that yet." Love pointed out. "This is the thing with Love Triangles; any small interactions between the 3 can lead to big fights."

"Well, you better hope she doesn't wind up sleeping with him while they're at Jeju Loveland." Lust advised. "Because if Maggie were to find out the minute she comes out of jail, she's gonna come back to some more pain." Lust explained.

Ji-cheol's POV

"Why...does this feel right, yet so wrong?" Ji-cheol asked.

Yn's POV

I looked to see Hae-soo out cold then sighed. I looked at Dong Wook, who looked like he has cooled down a bit but he still tenses up whenever turbulence hits. 

I wish I can be next to him and try to comfort him, but if Ha Jun wasn't sitting there I would be.

Ha Jun looked at me then looked at Dong Wook then he smiled at me like he knows what I was thinking. Luckily the plane was already at the cruising altitude, so Ha Jun got up and walked towards me.

"Hey, maybe it would make him feel better if he was sitting next to someone he's comfortable with." Ha Jun suggested.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Go right ahead." Ha Jun assured me as I got up.

I'll admit, Ha Jun would make a great wing man for anybody.

"Um, hey...Ha Jun told me I can sit here." I spoke nervously as I sat down next to Dong Wook.

", how many minutes is this flight?" Dong Wook asked.

"We still got 30 more minutes until we land." I told him.

Dong Wook groaned.

I grabbed his hand and rubbed the surface with my thumb.

Man, how much sweat can this man produce in his body?

Dong Wook linked his hand with mine then he slowly began to stop shaking and quivering.

While this was happening, I began to wonder;

"How's Maggie doing right now in jail?"

Maggie's POV

"MOTHERFUCKER!" Maggie yelled as she socked Karma in the face.

It was a huge brawl taking place in the basketball court.

"You ain't got no balls bitch!" Karma yelled. "Oh, wait...yes the fuck you do!"

That pissed Maggie off so much that she tackled Karma to the ground.

Karma headbutted Maggie off of her then climbed on top of her. She stuck out her tongue to reveal a razor blade then try to lean in to Maggie's neck. Maggie began to push her back, trying to avoid having her throat slit.


Everything went silent as Maggie and Karma both looked to see Officer Roy holding a gun pointing upwards.

"Break it up! Both of you!" Officer Roy yelled as two wardens separated them apart.

Razor Blade looked at Maggie then at Karma. Maggie had a bruise on her right cheek and a bloody nose while Karma had scratch marks below her eye and was missing a tooth. Both of them were breathing heavily as Officer Roy examined them both.

"You..." Officer Roy began pointing at Maggie. "You're going to the Special Housing Unit."

Razor Blade, Big T, Scarlet Letter, and Tex all let out a big gasp after hearing that.

"No, please don't send her to the SHU!" Tex begged.

"Yeah, Karma started it!" Scarlet Letter added in. "Plus she literally has a razor in her mouth."

"Shut up! All of you!" Officer Roy yelled, shutting them up as he grabbed Maggie by the arm.

He was digging his nails into her arm while he was dragging her away from the basketball court.

"Man, why the fuck you tripping on me?" Maggie asked. "I was literally minding my own business when she came over starting some bullshit."

"Did I ask for a story? No." Officer Roy rudely replied as he took out his key to unlock a big cell.

He shoved Maggie in and slammed the door shut behind her.

Maggie was already filled to the brim with rage. She legit just wanted to blow this place up with both Officer Roy and Karma in it. They're truly the people she absolutely hate.

Maggie took a deep breath as she slid down the wall.

"If I can be on my best behavior, I can probably get out early...hopefully." Maggie thought to herself. "Yoo-mi's waiting for me out there."

Maggie looked around the cell to only see a bed and toilet...pretty much like how it is in her own cell.

"Well, at least it's more roomy than it is in my other cell." Maggie thought as she began to do push ups.

During her workout, Maggie began to think about everyone while she continued her reps.

"I hope everybody is okay." Maggie thought as she continued her push ups.

October 29th, 2022

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