The talk|| 8

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Sitting down at the table, it actually doesn't feel too awkward, yes I feel nervous but an excited sort of nervous.
A totally hot guy wants me, Lorali, to sit with him, now that's a story you'd never thought to hear.

He's been staring at me for a good while before speaking up.
"What's your name doll?",

Please stop with the nicknames they make me blush. Already knowing my face is red I respond dryly with "Lorali", I can feel every crack and crevice in my throat.

He sits there for another minute like he's expecting me to get up and dance.

"Last name?",
He asks nodding to me as if it was obvious.

"Caplet, Lorali caplet.",
Them intense eyes staring at me, I look around, looking everywhere but his gaze.

"Lorali can you look at me please."

Im gonna pee myself.

To avoid awkwardness I decide it's my turn to ask a question.
"What's your name mysterious guy?"

Earning a chuckle from him, I feel a teeny bit more confident.
His teeth might be the most beautiful teeth I've ever seen and, his eyes are green like emeralds, putting me in trances every time I look at them.
Only realising I've been in another trance when I hear him speak up again.

Is he serious, he expects me to say my full name but, he gets to only say his first, no I want the full name. I nod my head, showing him i want the rest.

"Elijah Cruz edela",
My mouth is agape, even his name is beautiful.

"Nice name for a nice man." Not noticing I said that out loud I look at him confused when he smirks copying me.

"Nice name for a nice woman",
My eyes widen noticing he heard me and my cheeks burn up for the millionth time.
I'm not sure if it's him or, I'm just embarrassing but, I sure seem to burn up a lot.

"I didn't notice I spoke out loud then, that's embarrassing."
Looking down at the table, I chuckle nervously.

When I look back up, I catch him staring intensely at my lip.

"Its very distracting when you bite your lip amor." By now he's leaning
Forward one hand holding his cup, the other fiddling with his fingers.

Slowly I let my lower lip slip from my teeth, not even noticing what I was doing.

Is it me or is this room getting warm?

We continue studying eachothers appearances, when James calls me to serve someone else.
Not being able to form words I look at him, attempting to form a sentence whilst, pointing at James, Elijah just nods, signalling he know I have to leave. Spinning on one foot, I walk around the counter so, I can watch him leave, finally releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding.

What a day.

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