☆ I need a favor, Akira. ☆

Începe de la început

To that he nods, and heads into the building.


You settle yourself down underneath a tree facing the school, just outside the gates. You pull out your book and start to read, and then you see the same red-haired man as you did before walking into the school. You eyed him as he unleashed his stand and sent it into the building through a window. You decide to get up and walk into the building to find the room he sent it into. Then you hear a woman call Jotaro's name. You follow the voice into the nurse's office, and you find the woman, presumably the nurse, trying to stab Jotaro.

Then, the red-haired man appears in the window.

Trying to understand the mess of the situation, you figure that the nurse has been possessed with his stand.

You unleash your stand, and send a kick in the nurse's direction. The kick pushes her off Jotaro, and she instead focuses on you.

"Glad you could join us" says the man in the window.

The nurse began to struggle with you until a realization hit you.

"I'm sorry for not asking first, ma'am," you say before kissing the nurse. You sent your stand to retrieve the green-uniformed boy's stand from her body. The men in the room looked at you in shock. Once you had a hold on the stand you pulled it out of the woman. You held the nurse to prevent her from falling on the ground as your stand held onto the man's.

"So this is your stand," you pause before deciding to mock him "It looks like a melon."

To this the man became upset and corrected you. "You're going to regret pulling my stand out of her."

"Hm, I am?" The hold you had on his stand tightened and you saw him make a face of pain.

Just as you did the woman you were holding started to bleed.

"Yes, you will. By pulling my stand out of her, you severely injured her" he smirked
"Shit," you said as her blood started to seep onto your jacket.

"You seem to not have noticed, but your grip loosened." Before giving you a chance to think about it, he said "Emerald splash!"

A fountain of green sharp objects flew your way, and they sent you back into the wall.

A loud crack came from your chest, but for now you had to ignore it. The worst you could've done is break your rib, and that's not too bad in the grand scheme of things. You got back up and walked away from the wall.

Staring him dead in his amethyst colored eyes you say, "You'll be the one to regret this, Kakyoin."

You got back up and turned to Jotaro.

"Go time, Kujo."

He nodded.

Stepping in front of him, you held out your hand.

The wounds you had were mirrored onto your stand's body. A knife popped out of your forearm, as you ran for Kakyoin. Using your stand as a distraction, you yourself ran behind him and sliced his knees. He began to fall down, and you signal to Jotaro to attack.

He unleashes star platinum, but stops as Kakyoin starts to chuckle.

"You think you've won too early, but you haven't. Evil can never win! Let me pass judgement for you."

"Playing God now, are we? Who was the one to attack first?" You say in response, then Jotaro speaks up.

"I, Jotaro Kujo, have been labeled a delinquent. I've beaten guys up so bad they've landed in the hospital with a slim chance of complete recovery. But even then, I know evil when I see it. And you," he pauses, "you are evil."

You smirk as he unleashes his stand and starts to punch Kakyoin with it.

"We need him alive, Kujo. He might tell us stuff about DIO."

His purple, scarved stand sends a cluster of fast punches at Kakyoin.

After he knocks Kakyoin unconscious, he stops. He turns to you.

"You're a fucking idiot."

"How so?" you respond.

"You almost got killed by a rabid nurse, and you risked breaking bones by throwing yourself into a wall just so we could take on the enemy. Seems dumb to me."

"It may be dumb, but everything worked out, right?"

You walk to the nurse and examine her. She didn't look too awful, and she still had a pulse so you decided to leave her.

"We have to bring him back to Muhammad and your grandfather. If he wakes up, we'll make him talk. And by we, I mean probably me." Sighing at the last sentence, you hear people talking abt a gas explosion in the nurse's office. Quickly, you make your way to the window to leave, motioning for Jotaro to follow.

Picking up Kakyoin, he climbs out of the window and follows you.

As you leave the school you stop by the tree to retrieve your book.

"Wouldn't have wanted to forget this gem," you say to Jotaro, while putting the book in your inner coat pocket.

You proceed to walk back to his house, with Kakyoin slung over Jotaro's shoulder.

To be continued...>

Bizarre Stars (OC/reader x jotaro kujo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum