Babysitting Dennis

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Dracula walks out of his room and heads towards Johnny's bedroom. The vampire knocks lightly, "Johnny. Come outside." Johnny's voice is heard on the other side, "What? Who is it?" Hiding in the shadows, blue eyes watched, wondering what Dracula had planned.

"It's your father-in-law. I need to talk to you," Drac whispered. The door opens to reveal Johnny swarmed by birds. "What's up?" Drac blinks and waves his hands at the birds. "Oh, let me get rid of them. Sorry." The birds fly off. Johnny shrugs as two chicks pop up in his hair.

"No problem-o. I was kinda diggin' the attention. Can they stay? I don't think they're ready to leave yet."

The vampire shakes his head, "Come on. Go to your mother." The birds leave, "Look, you want to stay here, right?" Johnny grins, "Of course. This is the first place where I can really be myself. I haven't felt this alive since they invented stuffed-crust pizza."

"Well, then, we've got some work to do. Okay, so here's the plan. Maybe it's a good idea to take her to your hometown. But remember..."

The blue eyes frown as Dracula whispers to Johnny. Turning away from the two males, the figure returns to their room and closes the door. Approaching the mirror, blue eyes looked at green eyes. Martha crosses her arms and shakes her head. Carol 's reflection had her hands on her hips.

"Does he really think he can pull something like that?"

Martha gazes up back at Carol, "As long as we're with him, I hope they stay here."


"It is their choice. Mavis is a grown woman."

The next day, Mavis is telling Drac and Carol what to give Dennis, "So, it's sliced avocado, rolled oats with apricot, the Aveeno moisturizer after every bath."

"And then the shea butter on his tush before his PJs and then 20 minutes with the nebulizer while we read his Learning Factory Phonics book to him." Carol spoke as Dracula held Dennis. Mavis seemed uncertain, "It's asking a lot. We could just take Dennis with us."

Dracula shakes his head, "What? Are you kidding me? And get him off his routine? No, no, no. You kids go to California and see if it's the right place to raise Denisovich." Johnny tosses the bags into the hearse.

"And you remember how to video chat?"

Dracula waves his hand dismissively, "Yes, yes. With the phone and the buttons and the agony." Carol snickers, "Don't worry, Mave." Mavis hugs the two, "Thanks for being so understanding, Dad. I know you'll keep him safe."

"Of course, Mavey. Stake my heart and hope to die."

Mavis bends down and kisses Dennis's head, " I'm just gonna miss him so much. I love you, Dennis."

"I love you, Mommy."

"We'll tell him Mavey Wavey stories every night before bed." Dracula spoke as Carol picked up the boy, holding him in her arms. She feels Martha's presence, and her eyes turned blue. "Let's hope nothing would go wrong." Before Carol could communicate back, Johnny's voice breaks her thoughts, "Will you hug my backpack?"

"No." Dracula whispers with a tight smile. Johnny gets in the hearse and Dracula takes Dennis from Carol's arms and they wave goodbye as the parents leave the hotel. Dennis rubs his eyes, "Back to bed."

Dracula grins at the four-year-old, "Ah, yes, we'll get to the bed. We all love the bed. But we're just gonna do one thing first." Carol raises a brow as Frank stands behind her, "Is it shorts weather where we're going?" Murray stands on the other side of her, "Jeez. I hope not. My body isn't swimsuit-ready yet." Dracula rolls his eyes, "Whatever. Where's Griffin?"

Griffin is heard near the entrance of the hotel, "Hey, can I have a second? I'm just saying goodbye to Emily." Everyone turns to see him hold two glasses of champagne. Murray rolls his eyes, "Oh, brother."

Griffin starts talking in a high pitched voice, "'I'm gonna miss you so much.' You know, you have to be strong, honey. Because what we have is unbreakable. Babe, don't cry. Everyone's looking." Carol shakes her head, "Okay, I gotta call him on this."

Dracula rests his hand on her shoulder, "Just let him play it out, get it over with. Okay, you two lovebirds. Drink your champagne, and let's get going."

Wayne groans as Griffin spills the drink, "Oh, yeah. No, sure. Okay. Cheers, babe. Oh. You klutz." Frank leans toward Dracula, "We can't say nothin' about this?"

"No. We don't have time for zingers." Dracula sets Dennis in the car seat and Carol sits on the other side as they piled in the hearse, "How do you click in the stupid car seat?" Dracula grumbles, struggling to buckle Dennis in.

Frank blinks at Drac, "You gotta cut those nails, man." Wayne looks at him, "We just strap our kids down with duct tape." Carol stops Dracula and buckles in Dennis herself. Blobby approaches the hearse and Dracula turns to the others, " What's he doing here?" Wayne gestures to Blobby, "I told him he could come. He's never been outside the hotel."

Dracula turns his head to the green blob, "Blobby, there's no room. Sorry, man." Blobby shoves himself in the hearse, pushing everyone against the window. Carol's muffled voice is heard against the glass, "Yeah, that ain't happenin'." Dracula groans, "Fine, put him on the Rascal. Let's just get going."

Blobby gets out of the hearse and the zombie staff drills the Rascal to the vehicle. Blobby hops on and the car speeds out of the hotel grounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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