Pup's Birthday

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Carol woke up to see Dennis asleep with Mavis. Standing up carefully, she exits the room and heads towards the pups' party. Dracula was standing next to Frank and Eunice. Smoothing her hair back, she approaches them with a smile.

Dracula turns his head and smiles at her, "Hello, sweetblood." Carol wraps her arm around his and gazes up at him lovingly, "Hello, Drac." Frank smiles at her, "Hey, Carol! How are you doing?" Eunice grins at the human, "Carol! Glad you can make it to the party."

"So am I, Eunice. Frank, I'm doing well. Thanks for asking." Carol replies back to the two monsters. Dracula glimpses over her shoulder and gasps with a wide grin. Dennis and Mavis appear, and the boy runs up to the pups, "Happy birthday, Wally, Wilson, Whoopi, Waylon, Weepy, and Wanye."

"Denisovich! My big boy! You made it!" Dracula sprints up to the two and hugs his grandson. Mavis bashfully glances down as Carol approaches, "I thought about what you said, Dad. Maybe I was being a little overprotective."

Dracula smiles at Mavis, "Thank you, coffin cake." Suddenly, Dennis is pushed out of Drac's arms and on the ground with Winnie on top of him, "Dennis! I love you! Zing!"

"Hi, Winnie."

"I just love your yummy strawberry locks! Zing, zing!" Winnie starts licking Dennis's face, making him laugh. Wanda and Wayne appear, and Wanda sprints water on Winnie, causing her to jump off Dennis, "Winnie. Give him his space, hon. I'm sorry, Mavis."

"It's okay, Aunt Wanda. They're just playing. Holy rabies! Limbo? I used to love that game!" Mavis stares at the limbo game, and her eyes lit up. Dracula rests his hands on her shoulders, "Get in there, Mavey." Mavis seemed uncertain, "Really? But I'm a parent now."

"Show 'em how it's done."

Mavis nods and gazes at them, "Okay. Okay, okay." She sprints to the limbo and floats under it, making the crowd cheer. Dracula glances at Carol to see her eyes change to blue. Carol did not notice the look he was giving her.

"I remember you used to do limbo, Carol." Martha spoke. Carol mentally shrugged, "Yeah, but not anymore." She could feel Martha near her memories, showing a memory of Carol doing limbo at the age of twelve. Carol's mouth twitched, trying not to smile. Dracula watches Carol, and her eyes continue to change color. Suddenly, his attention was brought to Mavis as she gasped excitingly, "No way! A pinata?"

"Oh, Mavis, honey. That's for later." Wanda calls out as Mavis transforms and grabs a bat, "Whoo!" Wanda tries to warn her, "We don't want the pups to have too much..."


"...Sugar." Wanda huffs as the pups ran at the candy on the ground. Mavis transforms back with a guilty expression, "I'm sorry. Did I start all that?" Carol crosses her arms, "Don't worry. There's a reason they call it a litter." Wayne nods in agreement, "Yep." Dracula takes a quick glance at his zing, taking notice that her eyes are back to normal.

Dennis is suddenly ran over by the pups and falls on his face, "Whoa!" Mavis sprints up to him in worry, "Dennis! Are you okay?" Dennis glances up with a smile and holds a piece of candy, "I got a candy." Johnny bends down to Dennis, "Look! Your tooth came out."

"Are you kidding me? He got his tooth knocked out?"

Dracula runs up and lifts the boy in the air, "Oh, yes, indeed. Here comes the fang." Mavis frowns at her father, "Dad." Carol approaches and crosses her arms, "His baby tooth wasn't a fang. Why would this one be? He's not a monster."

The monsters 'Ooh!' at the small argument. Mavis shakes her head as Carol hands her a hat and sunscreen, "The sun's gonna come out soon, and we gotta get to his classes."

"What's wrong with the classes we have here? Like the kids' yoga? This is Denisovich's home." Dracula spoke. Mavis sets the hat on her head, "I don't know, Dad."

"What don't you know?"

Mavis looks down for a moment, "Well, we've been talking about moving. Somewhere, safer for Dennis. Maybe where Johnny grew up in California. I'm sorry, but you can't just make somebody something they're not. Come on, honey. We have to go." She takes Dennis's hand as Winnie calls out, "Zing, zing?"

"Mavey, wait. You can't mean that." He turns to Johnny, "You're in on this? The leaving?" Johnny nervously shifts on his feet, "Uh... It's not definite at all. It's just something she's definitely talking about, but until we do it, it's not definitized." Dracula's eyes turn red, and then he walks away with a scowl. "Did he just cover me with birdseed?" Johnny glances at Carol. The woman bites her lower lip and slowly walks away after Dracula.

"Yeah, he covered me." Johnny suddenly gets swarmed by birds.

Dracula starts imitating Mavis as he gets prepared for bed, "Dad, it's not a fang. Dad, I don't know if it's the right place for Dennis. Right, Johnny?" Then he imitates Johnny, "Oh, hey, dudeman. It's not me. It's Mavey. Hey, dudeman. I'm afraid to say anything. Hey, dudeman. I'm a dudeman!"

Frank and Carol enter the bedroom, "Uh, Drac? Who you talkin' to?" Carol asks. The Shrunken head moves around on the doorknob, "Do not disturb. The count's wiggin' out in here." Frank frowns, "What are you wiggin' out about, Drac?"

Dracula turns his head at the two, "The kids. Mavey Wavey's saying she wants to leave." Frank's eyes widened, "She wants to leave? What about Johnny? He doesn't wanna go. He's making the hotel more human-y for Dennis. You know, seeing that he isn't a monster."

"He is a monster! He's just a late fanger."

Carol looks at the Shrunken head as it retorts, "Mmm-hmm. And I could be a hand model." Dracula glares at it, "Shut up!" He heads towards a wall, opening it up to reveal a bathroom, "It's all that human-y stuff that's confusing poor Denisovich." He starts brushing his fangs.

"So maybe you gotta get the kid around more monster-y things. Ooh! Oh, I need a cape." Frank spoke as he noticed the capes in the closet. Carol shakes her head at him as Drac responds back, "I can't. She's always around, checking up on me."

"Man, if you could just get some alone time." Carol spoke. "Wouldn't that be nice." Martha mutters in her head, making the girl lightly blush. "Wait a minute. That's what Johnny wants, too. Alone time with Mavis." Drac replies back as Frank messes with the capes.

"Have they even had a vacation since before they were married?" Frank spoke before choking as the cape is stuck around his throat. Carol lightly gasps and tries to help the monster as Drac exits the bathroom, "They're going to now. And so are we. Frank, you're a genius." The three stare at each other.

Frank had managed to remove the cape, along with his shirt, "Mmm-hmm." Drac glances at him in disbelief and straightens up, "We'll take Denisovich to all our old haunts. Each of us will show him our skills. Teach him how to be a monster. And he'll be fanging it up in no time."

"Boy turns five next week. If he's not a vampire by his birthday, it ain't happenin'." The Shrunken Head points out. "Oh, it ain't ain't happening, baby. All he needs is time with his vampa." Drac proudly states. Frank frowns at Dracula, "Vampa?"

"Vampire grampa. Come on, man. That's obvious."

Carol shakes her head and turns to the two monsters, "I'm heading to bed. Good night, boys." Frank smiles at her, "Goodnight, Carol." The woman walks out of the room, shortly followed by Frank after his goodnight to Drac.

Once the door closes, Dracula approaches his bed table, opens the drawer, and pulls out a white envelope addressed to him. He sits on his bed reading the letter like he has for the past six years.

"My love, you will one day understand that I will and have returned as someone else. Someone who is like me in a way and has been with you from the beginning. My love for you will never die. Love, Martha."

He lowers the letter with a frown. First, the letter, then Carol's eyes changing color. "Could it be...?" Dracula wonders out loud.

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