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His POV:

People says that sometimes, it takes greater love to let go than to hold on. At first, I thought that all of it was just a nonsense. Only cowards will let go of the ones they love just because they're afraid to fight for them.

And I'm not a coward. I am born powerful, courageous, and willful vampire, worthy of the position of the Crown Prince and future Emperor of Von Achlys Empire. There's nothing I cannot conquer. So why would I let go instead of fighting for her?

But that's just what I thought.

In the end... I was wrong. I wasn't brave after all. I was afraid to be alone again. I was afraid to live without her by my side. I was a coward.

I was only thinking of myself. I knew what could happen. But I chose to ignore the truth thinking that I could change our future.

Maybe if I didn't love her, if I didn't ask her to stay by my side, if I just let her go, she will be able to live longer. Maybe that's why they said that it takes a lot of love and courage to give up on the one you love. When you deeply love that person but at the same time, you know that letting them go is for the best. Thus, you'll have to let them go for their own sake.

Now, I won't be able to feel her warmth, hear her laughter, hold her hands, sleep with her on my arms, cry on her shoulder, sing her goodnight... I won't be able to see her ever again.


Why is the fate so cruel?

My whole body was trembling uncontrollably which made me fall down on my knees. But my grip on her cold body tightened.

Tell me, if I hold her closer to me... Will it make her body warm? Will it bring her back to me?

They said that love is all about sacrifice. But does it really have to be this cruel?

“You did it, my Queen. We did it... We won.” I cried as I caress her beautiful face.

But it wasn't really a victory, isn't it?

Hundreds of lives are lost, Including hers, each of those has a home, family, and loved ones waiting for them. Like how I was hoping to come home with her. She lost her life, and I lost the sole reason why I kept fighting on.

What a cruel twist of fate.

If our stars could be rewritten. If our fate could be altered. If our destiny could be changed. Maybe then, I'll be able to see you in the future we've been dreaming of.

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