2. 𝔹𝕀ℝ𝔻𝕊 (Nick)

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Nick was part bird.

A hybrid you would say.

You see, his mom was part Snowy Owl so, by genetics, he was too.

He didn't want to know how this happened, like, how the fuck is his mom part bird?

That would be a weird conversation he did not want to have with anyone, especially with him mom.

Now how did Nick know he was part bird, you may ask?

When he started to grow wings. That's right. Wings.

At the age of 15, two little tiny bumps appeared on his back, between his shoulder blades. At first, he thought it was acne because which teenager didn't  get acne.

But when they started to continuously itch and  grow bigger, he stopped getting shirtless even if it was hot outside. He wouldn't take off his shirt even in front of his brothers who couldn't care less about what he looked like since they all looked the same.

He would only wear large shirts to be sure that whatever was in his back was concealed at all time.

At first, he thought that maybe he had cancer but after hours of research, he couldn't find anything that said that cancer could show itself this way so he simply ignored it all, like he did with most of his problems.

When something started to actually grow out of his skin, he quit Lacrosse because it required of him to get shirtless in front of random men who could see whatever abomination was growing from his back and he stopped talking as often to his brothers because they would definitely notice that something was going on with him.

Months passed and he was getting seriously concerned about the abomination that was his back so he decided to talk to the person he loved and trusted the most beside his triplet brothers; his mom.

He sat down and told his mom that something was wrong with him and that he couldn't do it anymore. His relationship with his brothers was practically gone and he hated himself more than ever for it.

Nick couldn't stop snapping at them so that they would leave him alone and stop asking him if he was alright.

 He thought that pushing them away was the best idea and that keeping them close to him would only hurt more when he eventually revealed that he had grown wings.

He thought that they would call him a freak -even if he already thought he was one, it would hurt more coming from the people he loved the most on earth- and cast him out and that his family would disown him.

He only decided to talk to his mom after hours of rumination on the subject. Nick had come to the conclusion that his mom was the best choice when you wanted to talk to someone about something you thought that others wouldn't accept you for. 

His mom was a very accepting person, she didn't even react when he told her he was gay, a couple months ago.

He had a long conversation with her.

He learned that the same thing happened to her when she was about 12 and that she also thought that her family would disown her.  She had talked to her dad about it and she had learned that the mother's side of her dad's family was part bird.

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