Chapter 14

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*Raven's point of view*

Six years have passed and life couldn't be better. Andy and I had our first kid four years ago, a little girl named Amelia. She's is the light of our life. She laughs and plays while I clean the kitchen. I dance and sing to Pasty Cline, waiting for Andy to get home. He just finished touring and I can't wait to tell him the good news.

A few more hours pass as I continue to clean, glancing at the clock. Time seems to be crawling at a snails pace. Finally five o'clock hits and I go prepare some dinner. I just put water on the stove to boil when I hear a car door, then Amelia scream daddy. I stop what I'm doing and head to the front door. I reach the doorway and see Andy picking up his little girl and giving her a huge hug while she squeals with glee. He then sets her down and rushes over to me. He swoops me up into his arms and spins me around before setting me down. His lips crush mine and I feel as if I'm going to explode with happiness.

"I've missed you so much ," I say, resting my forehead against his.

"I've missed you too," he says, giving me another kiss. We stand like that for a moment more before I break away to finish making dinner.

"I'll tell him after we eat," I think to myself.

We eat, clean the table, and settle down in the living room. I get on my knees in front of Andy and take his hands in mine.

"There's something I've been wanting to say all day," I start. He sits up a little straighter. "Remember when I flew out last month to see you and the guys?" Andy nods yes. I stand up, taking his hands and rest them against my stomach. His eyes widen and then he jumps up, taking me into his arms. We laugh and cheer and cry happy tears for the rest of the night.

1 year later

The snow falls lazily outside while the wood crackles in the fireplace. A soft glow illuminates the living room that's filled with Christmas spirit. I gently rock Hazel as I softly sing to her in the early morning hours. I take in the quite, enjoying what I can get before everyone wakes and the chaos of Christmas begins.

The clock strikes six, and then falls silent. A few moments later I hear footsteps, and Amelia comes out of her room. I hold a finger to my lips as she gasps. She quickly closes her mouth and nods. I tell her to go get her father up. She obliges. And so the chaos begins.

Many hours later

The presents have been opened, breakfast has been ate and the children are running around with their new toys. I stand at the edge watching them, my arms wrapped around Andy. He kisses the side of my head and slips away. I keep talking to Jake. Andy appears a moment later with his hand behind his back. He stops in front of me and clears his throat, trying to get everyone's attention.

"Raven, we have been together for a long time, and I can't tell you how much I love you. I know we had made agreements before, but I think in light of the new baby, we can bend those agreements.

When I first met you, I had promised that I'd get you a fox for Christmas. Now I have been the worst person in the world to never fulfill that promise. Until now."

Andy gets down on one knee and pulls out a black velvet box. When he opens it, there's a silver fox ring shining out. I gasp.

"Will you marry me?" He barely gets the last word out before I say yes and fling myself at him.

The rest of the day is spent in happiness, with well wishes of a long and joyful life. And in the end, the fulfillment of a promise long overdue.

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