Chapter 5

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*Ashley's point of view*

I hear the toilet flush then Raven walks out of the bathroom. I look at the clock. It says 10:03. I watch her with mild curiosity. She's never up this early. She searches for her flip flops, finds them and puts them on. She looks over at me. "Where are you going?" I ask quietly. "I'm going to the lobby for some coffee then I'm going to call Mom." She walks over to the bedside table and grabs her phone. "Want any company?" "No. I need to think without any distractions." She looks at me. I shrug my shoulders and roll over. "Okay." She kisses my cheek then leaves. I smile.

I lay there for a while, thoughts of that kiss at the hospital dancing in my head. "Snap out of it, you don't need another heart breaker in your life. Think of what Abby did to you," my conscience growls at me. "SHE'S NOT ABBY!" I scream at it. "How do you know that? Because you've known her for four years? HA! You knew Abby for eight and never realized what a bitch she was. Face it, you're better off if you forget about Raven." "How can I forget about her when she's all I've thought about since the moment I first saw her?" The bathroom door slams, making me jump. I look at the clock. It says 10:45. I sigh and get up. I riffle through my clothes and pull some stuff out, not caring if it matches. Andy walks out. I go to the bathroom, pee and change. When I get out, Andy's gone. "He probable went down to the lobby." I shrug my shoulders and grab the room key and my phone then head to the lobby.

I walk out of the elevator and look around. I spot Raven, her mouth hanging open. Andy turns around and starts walking my way. I walk towards him. I'm about to say something when Andy punches me in the face. I fall down. Before I can get up, Raven stands between me and Andy.

"Move," Andy growls at her. "No. There was no reason for you to punch him." She crosses her arms. Jake, CC, Jinxx, and Minny come over. "Jake, get my phone and talk to my mom. Keep her from having a cow, please." Raven asks. Jake nods his head and gets her phone. Andy is glaring at her, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Move, now," he growls again. "Give me one good reason to," she growls back. He snorts. "Fine. I guess you want me to sleep somewhere else? I'm sure you plan on fucking him, too, right? I mean you already made out with him, so why not?" We all stare at him, not believing he just said that. Raven's eyes fill up with tears. She wipes them away and walks out the door. Jinxx follows, shouting at her, but she ignores him. He walks back to us, looking defeated. Minny puts an arm around him. I stand up then punch Andy in the face.

"Why the fuck did you have to say that!?" I scream, glaring at him. Andy wipes the blood away from his split lip and glares at me. "Because it's fucking true." He starts walking away. I tackle him. We wrestle but I end up pining him. "She. Is. Not. Like. That." Every word is followed by a punch. Arms wrap around me, pulling me off of Andy. He gets up and lunges but CC grabs him, stopping the movement. I struggle, breaking free from my captor. I feel hands on my shoulders but I spin around, glaring at Jinxx. He holds his hands up in surrender. I turn back to Andy.

"Raven isn't like that. She always thinks of us before herself. She told me that nothing could happen between us because she didn't want to break up this band. If you weren't being such a jealous bastard then you would see that!" I punch him one more time then walk outside to clear my head. I sit on the sidewalk out of the way of everyone and rest my head on my knees, letting the tears fall. A little while later, Jinxx comes out and stands next to me. I look up at him.

"What are we going to do about Raven?" I ask, wiping the tears away. "Nothing," he replies. I jump up. "What do you mean 'nothing'? We have to find her. She could be hurt. She-" "She probable wants to be alone right now," Jinxx says, cutting me off. Before I can say anything, and elderly couple comes over.

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