Chapter 4

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*The Next Day 10am*

I wake up and realize my pillow is breathing. I push myself up on my hands and see Andy laying there, fast asleep. I shake my head and slowly get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and pull my hair into a pony tail. I go pee and wash my hands. I walk out and search for my flip flops. I put those on and look over at Ash. He's watching me. "Where are you going?" he asks quietly. "I'm going to the lobby for coffee then I'm going to call Mom." I go to the bedside table and grab my phone. "Want any company?" Ash asks. "No. I need to think without any distractions." I look at Ash. He shrugs his shoulders and rolls over. "Okay." I kiss his cheek and head to the lobby.

There are only a few people in the lobby when I get there. The older couple are staring at me, no doubt wondering what happened to me. I looked in the mirror this morning and the right side of my face was bruised. Probable from when Nate tripped me during the fight. I ignore their stares and get me some coffee. I choose a table in the corner of the room and call my mom, Becca. She answers on the third ring.

"Hello?" she says. "Hi, mom." I reply. "Hey, Raven. How are you?" She asks like she always does. "I've been better. I have to tell you something." I say slowly. "What is it?" she asks, worry filling her voice. "Nate was at the hotel where we are staying. He was going to hurt the girl he was with and I couldn't let that happen. He pulled a gun on us. I let the girl go but when he turned his back, I tackled him. The gun got knocked out of his hand. He started hitting me but Ash pulled him off of me. He was going to stab Ash with a knife but I tackled him again and ended up getting stab in the shoulder. I also have some bruising on my face and back. The doctors had to do surgery on me. The knife had nipped the bone and got stuck but I'm fine. Ash has some bruising on his face. He's fine too. Nate is in jail and the girl he was with is fine. She's been hanging with CC, Jake and Jinxx." I finish and wait for Mom's reply. After a few minuets, she speaks.

"When did this happen?" "Two days ago." "And I'm just now hearing about this?" She's getting mad. "I'm sorry, Mom. No one thought of it. They were really worried about me and it slipped their mind." She lets out a sigh. "Well, at least you're telling me now. Are you sure everyone is fine?" "Yes, Mom." "Okay, good." I take a sip of my coffee then let out a sigh. "There's something else I need to talk about." "What's that?" she asks, curious. I don't ever asks for advice, especially about this next subject. I chug the rest of my coffee and say, "Boys." I walk over to the coffee and get myself another cup. I nod my head to the elderly couple as I pass them and sit back down at my table. Mom has been silent the whole time. "Mom?" I ask cautiously.

"OH MY GOODNESS! PHIL! RAVEN IS ASKING FOR ADVICE ABOUT BOYS!" I hold the phone away from my ear while Mom is having a cow. Phil is my Dad. A few months after Mom brought me home from the orphanage, I went to the park a few blocks from where we lived. It was like midnight and Mom had already went to bed. I didn't think she would wake up, but I guess she did. She called the police station and reported me missing. Phil is the Sheriff. He found me at the park and brought me home. They started talking and a few months later, they started dating.

"What do you need to know?" Mom asks after Phil calmed her down. "Well, there are these two guys. I know one likes me and I think the other one does too. They are both really good friends of mine and I like them both. But, I don't want to choose between them. I can't lose either one due to jealousy. I just don't know what to do." I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes. "Which of the guys are they?" Mom asks. "Ash and Andy." "Did anything happen between you and the guys?" I open my eyes and take a drink of my coffee. I close my eyes again and say, "Ash kissed me while I was in the hospital. He was helping me get dressed. I told him that it can't happen again and he agreed. Nothing has happened with Andy, unless you count that time when we got caught under the mistletoe one Christmas." I open my eyes to see Andy standing in front of my table. His eyes are swirling with anger and hurt. I open my mouth to say something but he turns around. I see Ash heading this way. Andy walks over to him and I know what he is planning to do. I say, "Fuck," and drop my phone on the table. I run over to them but it's too late. Andy punched Ash in the face. Ash falls down. Before they can do anything else, I move between them.

Two Isn't Always Better Than One (BVB Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang