Back to the Forest

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Author's Note:

Hey everyone! This is the second to last chapter of Cursed, I hope you've enjoyed! The last chapter will be posted as soon as possible, if not tomorrow than the day after. Please vote, comment, and/or follow if you liked the story! Happy Halloween, everyone!

Word Count: 2,321

TRIGGER WARNINGS- Trigger warnings are listed at the bottom of the chapter! There are a few for this chapter that could be upsetting for some readers, so please preview the list if you want to be safe! 

"I think this was the road. Yah, it was here, my car broke down." At Dream's words, Sapnap pulled the car over to the side of the road, and the Dream Team all climbed out. 

Three days had passed since the lighting incident. In those three days, Dream has had an allergic reaction, nearly sliced his hand open when chopping vegetables, turned all of his white laundry pink because of a lone red sock, and many other little things. Nothing as bad as the sudden lightning, thankfully. 

Dream had wanted to return to the forest as soon as possible, but George and Sapnap insisted that he at least wait until the worst of his injuries from the broken window had healed, or at least gotten considerably better. It had taken three days till he was deemed healthy enough to return to the forest, and it was only then because of their time limit. 

Tonight was October 31st. 

Tonight was Halloween. 

It was obvious, inevitable even, that his curse was going to cause something major to happen tonight. Dream could feel it in his bones, in his soul. His eyes hadn't started to glow yet, and his veins were still their usual color, but pinpricks were starting to form in his fingers. They were still faint, though. There was still time before it, whatever it was going to be, happened. 

Dream's hands were shaking slightly as he lead the others down the road towards the path. Tonight was eerily similar to the night he had been cursed. There was an unseasonal chill in the air, and the inky darkness on all sides threatened to swallow them whole. He tried to keep his face composed, though, not wanting to look scared in front of Sapnap and George. 

They didn't speak while they followed Dream down the road, the atmosphere much too tense for small talk. After about fifteen minutes of walking, they reached the spot on the highway where Dream had nearly been hit by an oncoming car. 

"Be careful here, guys. This is where that car... you know." He lead the way, quickly steering his friends to the forest path before they had any other close calls. 

"Okay. This, uh. This is the path I was on. So, last chance to go home." 

George scoffed. "Like we're leave you to fight some witch on your own. You'd probably die without us, or go the wrong way and get eaten by an alligator." 

Sapnap laughed. "Take an 'L' Dream. And I'm not leaving either." 

He smiled gratefully at his two best friends, then nodded resolutely. "Here we go, then." He stepped onto the trail, wincing as the action caused the pins and needles in his fingers to worsen. He was running out of time

Just like before, the path started off familiar, but soon began to change. The smooth gravel underfoot gave way to uneven mud and sand. The trees grew closer, branches more tangled and intertwined. Even the temperature changed, dropping rapidly the further they trekked into the marsh. 

When Dream reached the fork in the path, he hesitated, surveying his surroundings. Unexplainably, the tree that had been struck by lighting was completely restored, back upright and growing healthily. It sent a cold chill down his spine. 

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