Part 45

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July 12th my 22nd birthday. (I think im so sorry). I have two months left until the baby is born. I just couldn't wait for today to be over with. Like i feel grateful of everything everyone has done but i did ask my family if it could just be a family night out but harry decided to make a huge party to fuck about. Honestly im dreading it.

I was currently in the Garden Playing with Buddy. I was throwing the ball and he was fetching it and bringing it back to me. I have been doing it for ages though and my arm started hurting from throwing it too much.

"Hey princess" i hear Roberts voice behind me.

I turn around and he was standing there in Shorts And he was shirtless. My mouth gaped open a little and I immediately got wet down there. Fuck this pregnancy really has make me even more horny.

"Hey" i smile.

He walks closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my lips. It was a nice kiss but he does pull away.

"Happy Birthday Beautiful" he says.

"Why thank you" i smile.

He kisses me again and then he takes my hand.

"Come with me" he says.

"Are you going to murder me?" I ask with a smirk.

"Yeah. Shh dont tell anyone" he says.

"Ooo fun. Lets go" i say taking his hand.

He laughs and i call the dog and we go inside. He leads me upstairs to my room and i walk in and my bed was full of presents.

"I didn't know what to get you. You are a queen. Its kinda hard to choose" he laughs.

"You didn't have to get me anything" i say.

"Oh come on everyone says that. Its your birthday now go open them" he says.

I do as he says and i start opening them. One was a pair of heels, a dress, a voucher for online shopping, the twisted series of books, a necklace and i open the last one and it was a peice of paper.

Hi princess, i hope you liked everything sorry it isn't much. I have another surprise for us but that is happening tomorrow well its not really a surprise its a dinner for just the two of us. With our little princess coming we probably wont get much alone time which im not complaining about as such yet. Now change into this dress and heels we have a party to go to.

I look up at Robert and he was smiling.

"You are amazing. If we didn't have a party to go to right now i would kneel for you" i wink.

"Now now thats bad speech for a queen" he says smirking.

"Like you said in the bedroom I'm a whore" i say

He shakes his head and points to the dress so i go to put it on and do my make up.

He shakes his head and points to the dress so i go to put it on and do my make up

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Wore this and white heel.

Robert walks out wearing a black suit, white shirt and black tie. Like i always say he looked hot. After we were dressed we made our way back downstairs and we got into the limo. It took us to Windsor castle and we walk into the party.

Music blearing, loads of people. I wont be here all night i can just see it. The DJ announced that i was walking in so everyone came up to me and wished me happy birthday and then i see sarah and my temporally security gaurd kissing. Girl.

"Two seconds" i say to Boris as all he was doing was  ranting about a new president.

I walk over and tap sarah on the shoulder. She jumps and i laugh.

"Oh hey" she smiles

"So... you two? Explain" i say.

"Well we are together now. We have been on a lot of dates and he is the most amazing man ever" sarah says holding toms hand.

"Im happy for you both" i smile.

They both thank me and wish me happy birthday and sarah says she is now free of cancer from thr treatments she has been having and then issy comes over.

"Woah your bump is really big now" she says lighting touching it.

"Two months and i will have a little princess in my arms. I cant wait until she is out of me" i laugh.

"I bet. Pregnancy is hard" sarah says.

"I take the blame. I helped make it" i hear Robert say behind me.

"Robert" i laugh lighting hitting his arm.

"What do you mean make it? I thought its a seed?" Issy says.

"I planted the seed inside her" Robert says.

"So you put it inside her and now she is growing it and then have to push it out again?" Issy ask

"Yes sweetie" Robert says.

We chat for a little longer and laugh and then i dance with everyone. We have some food and dance again and then i cut the cake. Everybody was just really drunk at this point so i made an announcement that i was heading back because i was tired. Thing is i wasn't tired.

Me and Robert got in the limo and when we got home as soon as the door shut my lips was latched onto his and we we're basically eating each other. It started to get really heated so we made our way upstairs.

We both stripped off and he started fingering me. Two fingers plowing into me.

"I want to try something different tonight. You can say no" he says.

His hand was going so fast I couldn't even get my words out to answer him. In seconds i was releasing over his hand. He pulls out of me and licks his fingers clean and that made me throb again.

"What different thing do you wanna try?" I ask.

"I want to try anal" he says.

I was shocked by his words

"You can say no" he says.

"Fuck it lets do it" I say.

He smirks and he climbs off the bed and heads towards the dressing table. He opens it up and he grabs a bottle of lube. Then hr walks back to the bed. He flips me onto my knees and my bump was nearly touching the bed. I hear him open the bottle and stuff pour out. His fingers trace my bum and he adds some into the hole and then i see him cover his cock with it.

"If you want me to stop say okay?" He says.

I nod and he slides himself unto my back side easily. He starts off slow but then picks up speed. I was loving it. Its not the same as normal sex its very different but I'm loving it. He pounds into me.

Lets just say my birthday night went on for hours on end. Best birthday.

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