Part 28

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Its now January the 9th. Christmas come and gone. New year come and gone. Beautiful fireworks and beautiful memories but now i am sat in grans bedroom with her as she is taken the turn for the worst. She got rushed into hospital and She is really ill. She is sleeping all the time. She is hardly eating and she isn't looking too good either. She is sleeping and Im on my laptop reading the Things she was supposed to be reading but cant. My heart is in my stomach. I have pushed everyone away since gran has become ill. Even robert i have pushed away.

"Hiya ell" i hear Sandra grans nurse say as she walks into the room.

"Hiya sand" i smile.

"Has she woken up?" She asks.

"No nothing. She hasn't moved at all" i say smoothing her hand.

"Im so sorry to say this but i don't think she has long left. A few days maybe. But We will try everything we can" she says

I look up at her and i nod my head.

"I understand. Im going to get some air a minute" i say standing up.

"Im sorry Ell" Sandra says hugging me

"I just don't want her to suffer" i say.

"She isn't suffering. She is on life support as you know. I will have someone else come out too to check her over today and see we can do" she says.

"It means a lot. I will be back soon I'm going to have some fresh air" i say walking towards the door.

I walk straight to my safe and i grab a lighter and a packet of cigarettes. I have not done this since i was at a younger age. I have never wanted to either. I walk straight outside and i sit on the bench in the garden and hide behind the tree. I look over at the lake and i smoke the cigarette and then someone slaps it out of my hand.

"Hey" i snap at them.

I see paul and Robert standing there.

"Shit" i whisper

"Why? Ella please why this again?" Paul asks.

"Again?" Robert asks.

"She went through a smoking faze a few years ago the first year i started with her. So ella please why again?" Paul asks.

Paul sits one side and Robert sits the other and i stare out at the lake.

"My gran doesn't have long to live few days is what the nurse said" i say trying to hold my tears him.

I feel Robert hold my hand and Paul held my other hand. Then thats when my tears started flowing.

"Im so sorry" paul says.

"I just- im sorry i pushed everyone away. I just dont know what to do with myself" i say.

"Don't say sorry" paul says.

"Hey" i hear harry's voice.

"Hi" i say with a voice break.

"Gran is awake. She has asked to see all of us as a family" harry says.

"Shes awake?" I ask.

"Yeah. First thing she asked Sandra is for her to ask us to all go into her bedroom" Harry says.

"Okay. I will be in shortly" i say.

"Okay" he replies and he walks back inside.

"Don't tell anyone I smoked" i say.

"We wont but princess please don't do it again" Robert says squeezing my hand.

"I wont hopefully. I will see you both later or are you going home paul?" I ask.

"I will stay here tonight. How about us three go for a drive and sit watching the sunset?" He asks

"That would be perfect" i smile.

I hug them both but Robert more than Paul and then i head to my grans room where she was sitting there with no energy what so ever.

"Hey gran" i say.

"Hello poppet" she says in a croak.

"How are you feeling?" I ask trying to be strong.

"Not 100%. We all know how this is going to end" she says.

It breaks my heart. It really does.

"Please don't cry. Lets talk about happy memories" she says.

"Remember when Ella slipped down the banking when she was younger and her and gran got stuck under a fence" harry says.

"Oh gosh that was so funny" kate laughs.

"And the time You gran Accidentally threw that peace of  cake at Borris" William laughs.

We exchange a load of different memories and good times. I could see gran wasn't very good at this moment.

"Are you okay?" I whisper.

"You know that answer sweetie. I wont be here much longer" she says.

"Please" i let out a cry.

"Gran we will leave you and ella alone. We will see you later okay?" William says.

"Okay Boy. See you later" gran says weakly.

They all leave and gran lightly grips my hand.

"You know my days are nearly over dont you?" She says.

I nod. "I try not to think about it"

"As soon as im gone you are the new queen" she says quietly.

"Gran i Don't care about being queen i just want to be with you" i say sobbing.

"I will always be with you. You just wont know it. We knew this day would come" she says weakly.

"Please stop talking like that. You ain't leaving just yet" i say.

"I know. Just know that i love you very much ella. I love you all. I just know that you have already got a broken heart that needs fixing. Robert will make sure of that I'm sure. An angel will appear. I love you Ella and i know you will make a great queen" she says.

"I love you gran" i say hugging her.

"Im going to get some sleep though sweetheart. I will see you when i see you" she smiles lightly.

I kiss the top of her head and she kisses my hand and i leave the room to let her sleep. I see Robert and Paul talking in the living room so i walk towards them.

"Fancy going for that car drive now?" I ask.

"Of course princess" Robert says.

They stand up and walk to Roberts car. I sit in the passenger seat while Paul sits in the back. We all talk about random things and we arrive in a car park. I sit in between the two men on the rocks and i stare out at the water.

"Im scared" i whisper.

"We are here for you" paul says.

"My heart cant take it. One more crack and it will be gone" i say shakily.

"We are the glue to this heart princess. We will mend it" Robert says placing his hand on my thigh.

With that my phone rang and it was william.

Me- hey will

William- where are you? I didn't like his voice. He sounds broken.

Me- with paul and Robert why?

William- we are all going to the palace. Gran has stopped breathing.

Thats it. My heart gone. All i feel is sand on my knees and tears running down my cheeks and the crack of my heart.

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