Part 20

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It was around two weeks later. Things have been going pretty smoothly and my boring life has now came back. I have baby sat quiet a few days. Been out for car drives. Argued with Robert as I didn't sleep all night due to sorting through the fan mail i had when i was away. He said i needed sleep and i told him i dont need him ordering me around and words led to other words and he ended up walking out. Then he came back and we apologised to each other and had make up sex and nearly got caught but we played it off saying Robert was helping me with sorting some boxes out in my room.

Its been a scary few days though my gran has been ill on and off. She has been in bed quite a bit as the doctors have told her to rest and i have been taking care of her. My brothers have been around checking up on her to. She has called a family meeting today though for all of us to go to. Im kind of nervous she never calls these unless she has something very important to say.

I quickly jumped in the shower and came out. I dried my hair and added a light amount of make up and i got changed into;

 I dried my hair and added a light amount of make up and i got changed into;

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I didn't bother putting my crown on as it was only a family meeting. I looked in the mirror and i could see a picture of me and my mum. I pick it up and sit on the bed with it. What i would do to have this woman here with me. My heart is forever broken without her. I did start to cry but I quickly wiped my tears away and placed the picture down on the dressing table then I walked out of my room and Robert was standing there again

"Are you alright princess? You look like you have been crying" he says tipping my chin so i was looking at him.

"I will be. Just seen a picture of mum thats all and it broke my heart again" i say with a fake smile.

"She is proud of you im sure" he says.

"Thank you" i smile.

We walk towards the stairs and i hook my arm with Roberts to walk down them and then i walk straight to the meeting room.

"I will stay out here. It sounds important. If you need me call me okay?" Robert says.

I nod and i walk in. Everyone was already here and my gran smiles lightly at me. She did look much better this morning.

"Hello Ella" gran says happily.

"Good morning granny" i say air kissing her cheeks.

"Im intrigued what is this family meeting about?" Harry asks.

"Me too is everything okay?" Kate asks her.

"Well i have something to say" gran says.

"Whats up?" William asks.

"Well as you all know I haven't been feeling too grand these past couple of days. Its me being old im sure. I feel much better today though which is a good thing but im making a decision. Charles you were supposed to become king after me but you said to me that you didn't feel up to it. Is that correct?" Gran asks.

"Yes thats right" dad replies.

"Well im putting someone up for my job and we have all agreed here that they would make an amazing queen" gran says.

What? I haven't agreed to anything.

"Who? I haven't heard anything about this " I say.

"Well we were talking about it when you were out in Scotland. You did amazing out there doing my job and the reason we put you out there was to see if you could do it. Clearly you can and you were amazing at it. Your mum would be so proud of you and it would of been her next to be queen. So Ella when im gone you will be crowned queen" gran says.

My face drops.

"Uh what?" I ask.

"We all agreed. You will make a wonderful queen" william says.

"What? No. Im not cut out to be queen. Im twenty one im too young and in scotland that isn't even what you do properly" i say.

"Ella we will leave it settle in with you but we all think you would make a great queen" harry says.

"But granny you are queen. Nobody will ever replace you!" I say starting to cry.

"Ella honey i wont be around forever im not getting any younger and you are perfect for it" gran says.

"I need some air" i say.

I stand up out of my seat and i rush out of the door crying. Robert followed me and grabbed my hand.

"Hey hey whats the matter?" He asks.

"I uh i cant do it Robert i cant" i say.

I rush towards the garden and i sit on the comfy corner. Robert follows and he sits next to me.

"You dont have to tell me but whats the matter?" He asks.

"They just said that they want me to be the next queen" i say.

"What? Thats incredible!" He gasps.

"Its not. Im not cut out to be queen. Look at me im still young. Im sure this is why they have been wanting me to get a boyfriend. Scotland was a test to see if i could do it" i say.

"Do you want to be queen?" He asks.

"Gran is the best queen anyone could ever ask for. I know she isn't going to live forever and i want to make her proud but i dont know its hard to sink in" i say.

"Your gran isn't going anywhere just yet. She is a tough old cookie. Dont put yourself down im sure you would have all the help from your family when you become queen" he says.

I start to cry again and he pulls me in to hug him.

" i will help you with this broken heart of yours princess. I never break a promise. Me and you will fix this puzzle together" he whispers in my ear.

"Thank you. I need to see them" i say.

He leaves me go and wipes away my tears.

"Im sure you can do it. You follow your mother's instincts. You will be amazing" he says.

He takes my arm and we walk back to the meeting room.

"I will do it. But granny you cant leave me" i say hugging her.

"Im not going anywhere my girl. Your mum is proud of you. We are all proud of you" she says.

"Are you sure its going to be me though?" I ask.

"Im positive. We will get the news out as people think Charles is next king but you my girl are going to do amazing. Im not going anywhere yet though so dont panic" she smiles.

"I love you" i say hugging her.

"I know sweetheart. I love you too" she says hugging me.

Queen. Thats mad.

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