Part 21

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Today is the day where i sit in her all day and cry. Its my mothers death anniversary. A box of tissues and tears is my best friend today and i hate it. Paul would normally come up here every hour to check on me and nobody else would as they all know I wouldn't talk. Its heart breaking loosing a parent.

Im laying here in my bed with buddy by the side of me. A box of tissues to my left and crying. My gran came up at 10am to check on me and i lied saying i was okay but i really wasn't. This heart of mine hurts and i Don't think it can be fixed.

I smooth buddy's head and i hear a knock on my bedroom door. It cant be my gran as she only came up here an hour ago and there is nobody in this place except.

"It's Robert. Can i come in?" He asks through the door.

"No I'm naked" i reply wiping my tears away.

He opens the door and tuts when he sees me. He gives me a happy smile but it soon turns into a worried look.

"Whats the matter?" He asks.

"Nothing im fine why?" I ask.

He walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed next to me.

"Box of tissues, red puffy eyes and a pillow with wet stains. Im my brain that means you have been crying princess. Whats the matter?" He asks again.

"Its mum's death anniversary. Im kind of a bore today you can take the day off. I will be safe in here" i say.

He cups my face and smooths my cheeks.

"I know you miss her princess i know you do but being cooped up in here all day isn't going to help either" he says.

He holds onto my hand and i look down at them. His finger traces on my skin and it makes me shiver a little.

"I always do on this day. I just cry the whole day away. Sad i know but paul always used to visit every hour to check on me but you dont have to do that. You can take the day off" i say.

"No chance. Get dressed we are going to visit her grave" he says.

"What? Nobody has ever asked me to visit her grave on this day" i say.

"Well i will be the first. Princess its going to be hard trust me it will be. But visiting it and placing down flowers you will feel much better. It will get you fresh air too" he says.

"You know what maybe it will help. I will get dressed and meet you down stairs" i say.

"Thats my girl" he says.

I smile lightly and he presses a little kiss onto my lips.

"I will let your gran know what we are doing" he says.

"Thank you"

He stands up and walks out of the room and i get changed into:

He stands up and walks out of the room and i get changed into:

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