Part 35

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"Robert you don't tell me what to do. Its not my Job to put Boris in his place. Its up to him not me" i snap at Robert.

"Im just saying you being queen and all you should be the one to Tell him there might be a new president coming in" he snaps back.

"I have already tried to get them words into his thick Brain but he just doesn't listen. Theres nothing else i can do. Now please do me a favour and piss off. You are really grinding my head into these past few days" i say putting the washing in the basket.

"What is wrong with you? All you seem to do is find things to argue with me" he says.

"What is wrong with me? Oh don't fucking start Robert i swear i knew doing this with you would turn into a disaster it always fucking does" i say slamming the basket down.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He asks.

"Nothing never mind just leave me alone" i say.

"Do you want a break?" He asks.

"A break from what? Being queen? Absolutely but no it wont happen" i say.

"No from me" he says.

"What?" I ask.

"You are moody with me Ella. It feels like you don't want me here. Every chance you get you try and start an argument with me or want to be alone" he says.

"Im stressed Robert. I have never done this queen thing before. Maybe i do need a break from everything and everyone. Maybe i need to see new faces" i snap.

"I will be gone 2pm" he says and walks out.

Ugh what the fuck. I didn't mean that. For fuck sake.
I follow after him and he grabs his car keys.

"Look I'm stressed okay? Im probably coming on my period thats why I'm moody" i say.

"Just phone me when you want me back. I will phone the authorities and say that I'm going on a break so bring in a temporary guard" he says.

"Please don't do this" i say.

"Im not going forever. I just want you to get your head in line. Make sure that you do want me and im not the cause of this sress" he says.

"I do want you. More than anything. I just dont know what im doing" i say.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head and walks off towards the door.

"Im sorry to put more stress on you but temporary you will have a new guard" he says shutting the door behind him.

He cant do that. He cant just leave me. I need him or is this for the best? To have a break? Maybe i need a break from everyone and everything.

I go to the kitchen and i sit on the chair and i check my phone. I go onto my period app and it says i was 9 days late. Shit. No it cant be. Is that why I'm moody?.

I rush upstairs and i go into my medical draw and i take out a pregnancy test. I go to the bathroom and i take it and wait for the result. I pace my bedroom and then my alarm goes off telling me its time to look at the test. I pick it up and i gasp. Its positive. For fuck sake. Really.

I pick up my phone to text Robert that i need to see him. I need to. Even if we still have this break from each other he needs to know. I was about to type and i hear the doorbell. I place my phone into my blazer pocket and i walk downstairs and to the door. When i open it a smart man in a suit is standing there

"Hi? How may i help?" I ask.

"Queen ella" he says bowing. "Im Mr Tom Hiddleston i have been sent here to cover your bodyguard as he is taking time off" he says.

"Oh come on in" i say.

He follows behind me and i lead him to the office where i ask him to sign a few forms. Normally gran or one of my family members would do this but it was such short notice.

"All done" he says smiling.

"Thank you" i say taking the sheet off him

I was shaking and he could see that and he places his hand on my arm.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah im fine" i smile lightly

"You sure?" He asks.

"Impregnantandthefatherofthebabyhasjustleftandweareonabreakandidontknowwhattodobecauseheneedstoknowyetitwillmakemelooklikeimbeggingotso" i start.

"Right hold on your highness you need to slow down. Start again but slower" he says.

"Basically im pregnant. I have been arguing with the baby daddy these past few days which as you probably know he is my bodyguard, he has left as i think i just need a break from everything but i have literally found out about five minutes before you came that j was pregnant. I dont know what to do because he needs to know but i dont want to look like im begging to have him back" i say.

"If i was you just so he knows give him a ring. Tell him your pregnant but you still want this break and you will speak to him another time when you feel stress free" he says.

"I think i will. Mind if i go?" I ask.

"Go ahead. May i look around?" He asks.

I nod and he opens the door for me. I head towards my bedroom and he has a look around. I try to phone Robert but he didn't answer so i texted him.

I need to tell you something... it's important please call me back.

I was just hoping he would phone me back. I look at the test again and i start to cry.

"Gran really did send down an angel for me" i say looking at the test.

I walk back downstairs and tom was stood there looking out the garden.

"I did ring. He didn't answer" i say.

"Maybe he is driving. Im sure he will ring you back your highness" he says.

"You hungry?" I ask.

"A little. Whats the plan?" He asks.

"I like to cook. Fancy some homemade chicken curry and rice?" I ask.

"Sounds incredible. Want some help?" He asks.

"Sure" i smile.

Maybe this will take my mind off it but i really Hope Robert phones me back soon.

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