27. A date Part.1

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Day by day, meeting up at dining time seemed to be a new hobby of house Dimitrescu and the new witch member. The lady found out that she did love to have little conversations with Nell from time to time. When the girls were busily fighting with each other, having no time to spend on the two older women, they talked about their likes and dislikes, things they were interested to do, and their past lives, which, because they both lived for so long, could delightedly elongate to infinity.

There were so many things the two older ladies could chat about, and of course, they both kept their voices low and quiet, trying not to draw the attention of the buzzing bugs.

On a warm morning, the ladies and the witch had their breakfast in a sunroom located just beside the rear garden of the castle.

Genial sunlight spread through the glass roof, shining every detail of the space. A giant stone statue of a naked goddess stood at the corner, accompanying the delicately crafted gault vase with vines curling on it. A small fountain landed at the other side of the room, a thin waterfall streamed down from a cracking rock on the top of the basin, and the tingling sound of water refreshed the air of summer.

A wooden dining table with quaint features sited in the middle of the space, fine lace cloth covered the top, several spotless dish plates and the tableware were neatly set on the table, all reflected like a mirror.

Flowers that were freshly picked by the maid in the early morning filled the china porcelain jar, dew glinted on their petals with their sweet scent faintly delivered to the people in the room. The aroma of the plant took a place that couldn't be ignored even in the rich smell of the food. The feast comprised fresh-made bread, a huge plate of grilled meats, fresh cherries, berries and strawberries, preserves, and butter, surely could feed all of the ladies.

The food literally occupied the wooden table since it was much smaller than the giant one in the formal dining room, which also caused the two older women to sit shoulder by shoulder, and the three girls crowded together at the opposite side.

The redhead sat between her sisters, she reached her arm forward and poked a sausage, sending it directly into her big mouth and swallowing it down without much chewing, then she licked her fork with a grin, penetrating it through several slices of bacon and bringing them back to her own dish, they were devoured within a flick of time.

When the girl raised her fork once again, pointing it to the meatball with excitement gleaming in her eyes, her mother let out a sigh, she couldn't bear the view anymore. Alcina put down her goblet gracefully and looked at her youngest daughter, "Daniela, darling, tell me, does it only take a few nights for you to forget the table manners that I taught you? Your food won't run away by itself so please slow down for god's sake. And, please consume some veggies as we are not those beasts scrambling in the forest." She cocked one side of her perfect brows at her daughter while talking.

"But, mother, I'm formed by flies. My flies and I are carnivorous, naturally, we love to eat meat! " The redhead protested with a pout.

"Then why would you get such a sweet tooth, hm? Don't think I didn't notice, at least half of the dessert you and Nell made yesterday was in your stomach now. " Seeing the embarrassed face of her girl, the lady smirked amusedly.

The redhead looked up at her mother with her innocent little face and said, "Okay, mum, I'll have something else." She put down the fork and scratched her cheek, smiling timidly at her mother.

"As you should." Alcina nodded, taking her own fork, and she elegantly sent the roasted tomato in between her lips.

Daniela bit her button lip, with her sisters' sharp giggling, she groaned lowly and reached out for some strawberries, stocking them into her mouth grudgingly.

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