5.2 The daughters

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Cassandra said, "Actually, we invite you to come here because of that we wish you can teach me and my sister to make dessert, those cakes are really extraordinary." She said softly. Nell was shocked a little bit, but she soon nodded without hesitation.

"It's my honor, ladies. But I am a little curious though, why do you want to learn? Living in the very castle, there should be some professional chefs who can offer you delicious foods and desserts, right?" Daniela just leaned on Nell's shoulder, closing her eyes without speaking, the brunette one pursed her lips before speaking shyly.

"Because we want to make something for our mother, she's so occupied by the paperwork and the reno things. Sometimes she even didn't have time for elevenses and afternoon tea, not to mention the continuing work until midnight. We thought that maybe she will be willing to find some time to eat the food we made for her, and we wish to make something that is uneasy to be expired for her to store in her study. Then she can have it in anytime if feeling hungry." She quickly spoke.

"Cassandra is right, besides, the chefs and maids in the kitchen are all afraid of us. " Daniela said softly, she let go of Nell's arm, still leaning on her side. Nell smiled and nodded.

"You're truly thoughtful, I am almost envious of your mother. In that case, I know what to teach you first, when do you want to have our first class?"

"You're so nice! I thought you won't agree." Cassandra beamed.

"Why not? You are so sweet and cute, and your care toward Lady Dimitrescu just makes me feel touched." Nell held the cup and took a sip, the redhead looked at her and giggled.

"I thought you put those desserts in the shop to make money? And a cook usually won't share the recipe with others?" Cassandra tilted her head.

"Well, first of all, my major income is not from selling things, and I am just interested in baking. Second, I can hand my recipes over to anyone if I'm willing to. In addition, I have the feeling that teaching you three will make me really happy, ladies." Nell winked and smiled, and Cassandra grinned.

With a buzzing sound approaching, Bela appeared at the door-side, she announced, with smiling and hand-raising.

"Mother said yes, Ms. Lupu can join our dinner! She said that she was sorry for having no time to meet you, but she would arrange some spare time after dinner, and hope to have a conversation with you."

"Brilliant, thank you, Lady Bela, would you like to have some tea?" Nell smiled, taking the pot and pouring the tea into the empty cup, and refilling the other cups.

"The scent is special but a little familiar." She took the cup and had a sip, before saying "Nice balance, I like it." Bela smiled and turned to face her little sister, who leaned back on Nell's shoulder after she put down the pot. Bela furrowed and said.

"Daniela, it's not polite to lean on our guest." Her sister just pouted and said.

"Why not? Ms. Lupu doesn't refuse me, and she pats my head! " The redhead crossed her arms around Nell's shoulders and called. The blond one looked at Nell, after making sure that she didn't show any annoying expression but only calmly smiled, she nodded and said a little sorry.

"I apologize for our little sister, she is spoiled."

"No no, don't apologize, it's okay. She is cute. And you all look younger than my children, making me think about their young time." Nell gently pat Daniela's arm and said. Bela's expression softened, sitting down beside the brunette one, her arm crossed around her sister's waist.

"You got kids? Don't they live with you?" Cassandra emptied her cup before speaking curiously.

"Yeah, I adopted them after their family was taken by the war, now they grow up and have their own family, one of them even living abroad! But it's a long story, maybe I can share this some time later, if you still get interested, Lady Cassandra." Nell looked at her watch, putting down the cup, and said.

"Now, the dinner time is just around the corner, I have to back to my room to get ready, don't want to give your mother a bad expression."

"But you look just fine." The redhead stared at her and said sincerely.

"Thanks for your kind praise, Lady Daniela, but after a long working day, I feel like having a bath and getting change will be better." Nell chuckled, patting the girl's arm as she let go of her.

"See you later, ladies." Nell stood up.

"See you later, Ms. Lupu." The girls said in unison.

Nell was rapidly back in her room, walking into the bathroom, re-tieing her hair, and taking a quick shower. Then she stood in front of the wardrobe to examine her clothes, most of the space in it was occupied by short sleeve blouses and casual trousers, "I should have something more formal for the first time meeting.", she said to herself. Luckily, she does prepare some dresses, taking out a dark green silky dress, walking to the bathroom, and putting it on, she checked her reflection in the mirror. The dress fitted her body perfectly, showing all her curves, covering her neckline, and exposing her arms and shoulders. She loosened her hair, combing it, covering the scar, and putting on a necklace and earrings with white crystal. Finally, she applied the lipstick, checking herself again, and nodding with satisfaction, "That would do.", and she left the room.

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