23. secret space

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*More cute Daniela is coming :)

Whenever the topic of chatting came to literary, Daniela always had a lot to share, except for novels, she did like something more poetic, classic, or even historical, which Nell found surprisingly and gladly, cause she, too, was obsessed with reading all kinds of books. Although because of her career, she did read more botanical and geographical articles than other spices, the two still had a great time talking and sharing about their recent readings.

The conversation about the author of the novel Nell just read came to an end, the redhead looked around, observing the changing landscape, as they climbed up the mound, trees and plants started to show up in their sight, the rocks on the riverbank were bigger, and the noise of nature made by bugs, birds and wind was louder than before.

Noticing how long they spent walking, Daniela shook Nell's arm and said, "You haven't told me about what power causes your strong strength, you promised me we would talk about it on the road." she pouted with a flighty begging appearance.

Slightly chuckling, the witch pat the girl's head,

"How curious you are, little bugs. Alright, let me show you before your cute lips become a hook for teapots." The redhead let out giggles.

Raising one arm and spreading out every finger, the back of the hex's hand was shown, a gloaming white light covering the skin, shortly, when the light was gone, so as the wrinkles and little stains on her hand, only the bone structures and blue veins remained. 

The girl gasped for what she saw, but the magic continued, a more strong light looked like lighting appeared from the fingers' tips, glinting with blue sparkles, and the trails of white flesh meandered upward, curling on the back of her hand to form a delicate magic circle filled with patterns and runes, then the light crossed the back of her hand and moved forward, as the light passed, black inky lines were revealed, followed the white trails, and soon covered the whole of her forearm and hand, stopping before the elbow.

Smiling, the hex flipped her hand for the girl to look, the dark marks were like woven into her skin, and even the palm and the pad of her fingertip were occupied. Looking at the girl with dropped jaw and widened eyes, the witch couldn't help with her laugh, wiping the corner of her eye with another hand, cause the other one with marks was held and studied by the redhead,

"Sorry, that was a bit of showing off, I like to surprise people I care about, it's great entertainment for me. Am I scaring you with that? the alchemic marking?" She kept a mischief grin on her face.

"No, they are beautiful." Carefully holding the arm like a fragile ornament, Daniela scanned all of the symbols and lines in awe, they were divine, rough, and wild, yet somehow elegant and attractive, such a weird combination, she thought.

"How could it be like that? Like a god's crafting, incredible." Let go of Nell's arm, the girl asked with curiosity, and a little desiring hid in her tone.

Amused by the girl's words, the witch hummed softly, the arm was waved in the air and the patterns were gone, "They were one of my alchemist friend's work. As a cost of a bet, I need to lend they my arms to practice some new stuff. I was really lucky that resulted well. And they could be hidden just like this."

"That is fucking cool! Like tattoos that could be invisible by your own wish, I want some of that on me." Daniela smiled surprisingly. Nell smiled a bit before crossing her arm with the redhead's and pulling her to keep going.

As they stepped on a trail in the uncultivated land, the witch said,

"If you want to learn how to perform alchemy on a human body, you would need to study piles of books and make tons of potions before learning some serious alchemical things, but I feel like that won't be a problem for you. Also, you would need to go to the headquarters of witches and receive some tests to find out whether you have talent in magic. For that, I'm afraid I can't tell." She rubbed the girl's upper arm for soothing her.

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