24. Mystery?

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Beautiful ringtones filled Nell's ears, waking her up, she let out a yawn, rubbed her eye, and slowly sat up, grabbing the bag near her feet. Searching for a while before taking out her phone, she answered it with a sleepy tone, "Hello? It's Nell Lupu."

"Hello, ma'am! Glad to hear you, it's Harry." The young man greeted cheerfully.

"Oh, hi, Harry. How may I help you? Something went wrong with the latest order?" She grabbed her bottle of tea and swallowed some in her throat.

"No, no, not like that. It's just that Ms. Vulpe called me, saying Lady Dimitrescu is looking for you. She sounds a little hurried though."

"Okay, please tell Ms. Vulpe I'll be back soon, and Lady Daniela is with me. " Nell said, glancing at the mentioned girl, she was now sat up on the rainbow hammock with a confusing face, earning a faint smile from the witch.

"No problem, ma'am. I will call her right away. See you next time!"

Nell said goodbye to him before cutting off the call, flipping down and standing straight, she carried her bag on her shoulder and went to the girl, reaching out a hand to her,

"Come on, little bugs, your mother is looking for me."

The girl nodded and took her hand, she left the bed of ropes with a little smile, and thanks to Nell,

"Did we just leave them here?"

Nell gave her a gentle smile, "Yes. Don't worry my child, they won't be broken."

She held the girl, making their paces on the way home.

— time rewind for a while —

Cassandra held a bucket tightly in one hand, the other hand slapped the gate of the castle open. She stepped into the entrance hall and looked around, glowing golden eyes immediately darted at a scared maid who bowed her head with a mop in her hand.

"Lady Cassandra."

The brunette lady raced to her and tucked the bucket into her hand, the water nearly sprayed out, and multiple fishes swang their tails to the wall scaredly, Cassandra paid no attention to them and said coldly,

"Take this to the kitchen, do you know where's my mother?"

"No, Lady Cassandra." shakingly, the maid shook her head.

"Then you are no use to me, go." Cassandra turned around and dropped the sentence before swarming away. The maid put down the bucket and took the mop to clean some drops of water on the tiles, then she took it again and rushed to the kitchen carefully not letting fishes jump out.

After visiting her mother's living room with no sign of the figure she expected, the brunette girl tried the study of Lady Dimitrescu, she stood in front of the doors of the study, gently knocking on them, luckily, she got the response she was looking for, A 'Coming.' from the lady.

Cassandra pushed one of the doors open and stepped in, seeing her mother sitting behind her massive desk with glasses on her face and reading the papers in her hand.

Lady Dimitrescu looked up, raising one brow when seeing her girl wore the rain boots on her feet,

"Darling, I know you just went back from fishing in the reservoir, why don't you get yourself change? I expect you to wear something more decent during the daytime. "

Shifting herself from toes to toes, Cassandra looked at her mother restlessly,

"I'm sorry mother. I know I should dress up, but there's something I think you should know first, it's about Nell."

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