Part 15: How to Process

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Todoroki came back to Midoriya's room later that night. Midoriya was already sound asleep, clutching his All-Might plushy. Todoroki sat on the side of the bed, slowly reaching to touch those green locks he'd longed to run his fingers through. As the bed dipped, Midoriya stirred, stopping Todoroki's hand in an instant.


"Sorry, did I wake you?" Todoroki gripped his hand, realizing he might have been caught.

"It's fine. Why aren't you in bed?" asked Midoriya as he rubbed his eye.

Covered by the darkness, Midoriya couldn't see the blush across Todoroki's cheeks. As Todoroki thought about how to answer, he realized Midoriya's intent.

"-Oh. You mean in my own bed."

"Yeah. It's late."

"I just want to be in here..."

Midoriya thought for a moment, then moved over. "Well, if you're going to stay in here, then sleep in the bed with me. You're going to hurt your neck if you sleep in that chair every night."

"...Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It might be a bit cramped, but I'm fine with it if you are."

Todoroki crawled into bed, facing the owner. They stared at each other, and Midoriya quickly became nervous.

"I guess it's even more cramped than I realized."

"You know... There's a way to make this more comfortable."

"How?" asked Midoriya. Todoroki moved in, pulling the timid boy closer, and wrapping his arms around him. "Todoroki?!"

"Isn't this better?"

"I guess..." Midoriya remembered what Todoroki said at the Liberation headquarters, and blushed. He wasn't sure it was the right time, but he needed to ask, "Todoroki, did you mean it... when you said you loved me?"

Midoriya couldn't see Todoroki's face, but he could feel the heat rising off his skin as he tightened his embrace.

"Would that bother you?" Todoroki asked timidly.

"Of course not! You're an amazing person, and I'd be flattered." Midoriya trailed off, unsure how to reply further. "I just don't know how I feel after everything that's happened."

"I can wait," whispered Todoroki. "I'll wait as long as you need."

Todoroki didn't bother to make an excuse. He stayed still, and hoped Midoriya would allow it. His feelings. His embrace. Midoriya reached around Todoroki, gently holding on to his back. Midoriya's heart rate increased as he took in Todoroki's scent. There was something so pleasant about being in this man's arms. Wouldn't it be so much easier if he fell in love with the person in front of him, Midoriya thought.

Neither boy said a word after that. They simply fell asleep in each other's arms.

Bakugou barged into the room in the morning as usual, shocking Midoriya awake. However, Todoroki still had a firm hold on him.

"What the hell is this?!"

Todoroki looked over his shoulder. "Can't you be a bit quieter? We're still trying to sleep."

Bakugou pulled Todoroki out of bed. "Like hell! Nerd, you get up too!"

"Uh- Right!"

Mr. Aizawa entered the room behind Bakugou, sighing at the rowdy boys. He used his quirk just as Bakugou was about to set off a blast in Todoroki's face.

"I don't get paid enough for this... Both of you settle down." Mr. Aizawa turned towards Midoriya. "As for you, you seem pretty much back to normal. How are your memories?"

"I'm sorry. It's all still a jumbled mess. I don't know how to separate what was real and what was fake."

"I see. Well, all your classmates are causing a fuss. They won't stop whining about seeing you, so let me know when you are ready to have other visitors."

"They want to see me?"

"I know it's difficult to process when your memories are mixed up, but maybe seeing them will help put things in perspective. As for you two, you can't keep skipping classes to stay with Midoriya. I'll give you until the end of this week, but then I expect to see BOTH of you in class."

Without waiting for a reply, Mr. Aizawa walked out the bedroom door. Bakugou grumbled about their teacher being some kind of worm while Todoroki yawned. Midoriya looked between the two people who had taken turns so that one was always by his side. Suddenly, there were others who wanted to do the same. It didn't make sense, and his head felt like it was splitting open again.

"Midoriya? Are you okay?" asked Todoroki, reaching out to gently touch Midoriya's cheek.

"I don't understand. I can remember that everyone hated me! So why are you all acting like this?"

"You really are an idiot," said Bakugou. "Obviously, those villains used a brainwashing quirk on you."

"Everyone loves you, Midoriya. There's not a single one of us that would ever want you hurt."

Bakugou looked away, agitated, but didn't deny it.

"The more time that goes by, I start to remember bits and pieces of kindness shown to me... but how do I know which memories are real? I'm really confused."

Bakugou walked up to Deku calmly, pushing Todoroki out of the way, and held Deku's face.

"Kacchan?" Bakugou forced his lips against Midoriya's, shocking Todoroki. Bakugou looked over to Todoroki mid-kiss to make eye contact before Midoriya freaked and pushed him away. "Wh-what- Wh-why?"

"I'm clarifying my position in all this. Don't forget it." Bakugou walked away with a wide smirk adorning his face. Midoriya looked more confused, unaware of the look on Todoroki's face as the heterochromatic man clenched his fists.

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