Chapter 10: Protection

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Dabi returned to the bar apartment right before sunrise, anxious to hear the twins' report on the supply mission. His eyes narrowed when he saw the expression of the two children waiting for him at the top of the stairs. Yuta fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt while Yuya looked like she had been crying.

"What happened?"

Yuya sniffled as she tried not to cry, "Midoriya is hurt."

Dabi rushed up the stairs, and swung the door open. Red splattered across the bed sheets surrounding the huddled figure in the middle of the bed. Midoriya looked up to see Dabi.

"I'm sorry. I failed the mission," sobbed Midoriya, as he tried to hide his face.

"Where are you hurt?"

"I'm not hurt."

"Then why is there blood everywhere?"

"Oh- I'm sorry. I messed up the sheets."

"Izuku, answer me. What happened?"

"Todoroki and Ka-chan found us before we got out of the warehouse. It seems like every time I fight against them, my body hurts inside."

"How so?"

"I feel my stomach boiling, and the more I use it like that the more the pain spreads. I start spitting up blood..."

Dabi sat on the side of the bed, thinking about what he needed to do. The last time Midoriya coughed up blood, he healed on his own without much fuss, but this was a lot of blood. They can't go to a doctor. If he gets rest like last time, maybe he'll heal the same way...

"Dabi, I'm fine. I just need rest. I'll do better next time..." whimpered Midoriya. Dabi looked over his shoulder at the boy laying down behind him.

Next time, huh? He's still willing to put his body at risk to help us.

That wasn't surprising to Dabi after seeing how Midoriya fought in the sports festival. This guy was willing to tear himself to pieces, if it meant accomplishing his goals.

"There won't be another mission."

"What?! But-" Midoriya tried to sit up, but Dabi pushed him back down.

"No more."

"So then... What am I supposed to do? I don't have anywhere to go back to anymore. No one will want me without my quirk."

"I'll talk to Shigaraki." Midoriya stared at Dabi, not sure why he was willing to put his neck on the line for him. "I'll suggest you be used as a last line of defense. You'll reserve your energy until an emergency situation."

Yuya crawled onto the bed with a big smile on her face. "That's great! You can stay with us without getting hurt!" Yuta walked up to the side of the bed, nodding his head in agreement.

Midoriya felt the tears stinging his eyes. He threw his arm over his eyes, trying desperately not to sob. They wanted him to be with them with or without being useful. His heart felt full for the first time in his life. Dabi swiped off some, making Midoriya look over to him.

"Get some rest."

When Midoriya woke up a few hours later, he found the room glowing from light peaking through the curtains. He found the twins cuddled up to him in the bed despite the blood still staining the bed sheets. Careful not to wake them, he moved his head to look for Dabi. In a dark corner of the room, Dabi sat on the floor, his head tilted to the side as he slept.

Midoriya stared at the sleeping man, addicted to sight. This man was the first person to ever make him feel so content. He didn't have to be or do anything special, and Dabi would stay with him. Everyone in the league treated him like family in their own ways. Was it really okay to stay with them? Would nothing change, even though he wouldn't be any different than his old quirkless self? Dabi's eyes opened, startling Midoriya. Dabi raised his head to look directly at Midoriya.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better."

"Good." Dabi rose from the floor, grabbing his coat off the dining chair.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"I need to meet that potential recruit again."

"Is that recruit special or something?"

Dabi grinned, walking over to the bed. He leaned over the bed letting his nose nearly touch Midoriya's. "Are you curious about my business?"

"I- just... This person must be someone important if you keep going to meet them right?"

Dabi chuckled at the shy response. He straightened up and turned to leave. "Just rest today. Make the twerps get you food from downstairs."

The door shut gently, but Midoriya could still feel the pounding in his heart. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when Yuta suddenly sat up.

"That guy is a real creep."

"Y-yuta! I didn't realize you were awake."

"Who could sleep when some creepy guy is invading your space?"

"I'm sorry we woke you."

Yuya crawled onto Midoriya's chest as she happily spoke, "Izuku, are you gay?"

"Yuya! You shouldn't just ask someone that!"

"But I want to know!" She whined into Midoriya's red face. He didn't know how they even knew about such things or if he should answer.

"I think I probably am... yeah."

"Hm... Well, good."


"Yeah. Cuz that means what we walked in on was mutual, right?"

Midoriya had completely forgotten about that scene, and jumped up in embarrassment. Yuya rolled off the bed, and Yuta just sat next to Midoriya, startled. Before he could apologize to Yuya, he felt himself gagging on blood again.

"Don't get up! You still need rest!"

"Yeah! Lay back down. We'll get you something easy to eat."

The pitter patter of little feet echo through the room as the twins run out towards the stairs. Midoriya finally caught his breath and wiped the blood on the sheets. A sigh left his lips as he laid back down. A lot had happened in just a few days. He remembered the feeling of Dabi kissing his neck and Dabi's fingers as they slid down his back. Heat engulfed his body. He knew he needed to stop thinking about it, but all he could think was that he missed Dabi.

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