"Yeah, well at the beginning of term, he told us you were off limits."

What the actual fuck, I thought. What a pretentious and selfish thing to say. I am no object, I am not something you can claim. And after that, he acted like he didn't even know me. He made my life miserable at this school and he had the audacity to put a date/sex-ban or whatever it is on me. I am done with his shit.

"Well, I ain't something you boys can manipulate all you want. I am a woman and I can make my own decisions, thank you."

I paused and took a step closer to him. I wanted to build that same tension we had during Slay Ball. More than anything, I wanted to hurt Spider. So I kissed Ant. He directly kissed me back and it quickly became heated. It was so intense I really thought we were going to rip each other's clothes.

"You make good ass decision." He said, smirking at what had just happened.

"I know." I smiled back.

I jumped on his back and we piggy walked towards the rest of our friends. We laughed together and it made everything lighter. He put me down and we hugged. He grabbed my ass before breaking our embrace and make my way back to my friends. They all squealed of excitement at what they had just witnessed.

"You've had a rather quick change of heart my darlin'." Amerie said rising her eyebrows up and down, making me laugh at her funny face.

"A girl has needs to fulfill." I joked.

"Well you can forget about that drama free week, month or even term." Darren exclaimed, they took a sip out of their straw and stared at something behind me. I had a hunch of what it was.

I followed his gaze. I hadn't notice that Spider had arrived and witnessed Ant and I's moment. Good, I thought. He stared directly at me, his eyes were darker than usual and his jaw was tensed up.

"He ruined everything." I replied looking back at my friends.

"Well, I didn't help." Amerie said feeling bad about what I had learned during the protest.

"Babes, we were doomed even before all of this. He never liked me the way I wanted him to. He played me."

"Wait, you slept with Spider?" Quinni asked to Amerie. I forgot we had never told them about what had happened between the three of us. Amerie nodded and Darren gasped to the news.

"Technically we didn't. He couldn't get it up." She replied, snickering as we all chuckled to the comment.

"So you guys are like coochie-cousins. Y'all have shitty taste in men." Darren exclaimed.


"Don't say that."

Both Amerie and I responded. We couldn't picture one another with the same boy. The movie finally started and we all went to take a seat to watch it. Ant took me by the hand and we both got into Dusty's dad's SUV. They had, earlier in the night, put a mattress in the trunk where we could lay. We were joined by Dusty and Harper. They laid at the front as we sat on the edge of the trunk.

"It's not a very good movie." Ant commented halfway through it, it made me giggled.

"Especially with them making those unnecessary background noises. I can't even hear the lines." I laughed referring to Harper and Dusty's make out session at the front of the car. He laughed at my comment. I liked how everything was easy, comfortable with him. We could just joked around and be us. He wouldn't pull something dumb or make some manipulative and macho comment. He wasn't draining me into his constant negativity.

"I'm starting to feel a bit tipsy." I whispered to his ear. "And it's making my head spinning."

He took my head in between his hands, trying to keep it still.

"Is it still spinning?"

"Ant, it doesn't work like that!" I chuckled.

"I know but does it make you feel better?"

I thought about it for a few seconds and nodded yes.

"Then I'll just keep being the protector of your face."

"The fuck is that?" I laughed, getting closer to his face.

He smiled at me with those pretty brown eyes. I needed to forget it all. I needed to forget that, at this moment, I knew that Spider was staring at us, analyzing my every moves and maybe realizing that he had lost me. For good. That this time, I wouldn't crawl back to his arms.

"Kiss me." I ordered Ant and he did what I had wished for.

He kissed me like we were alone in the drive-in. He kissed me like I was the only girl in the world. It didn't felt as exciting but it felt really fucking good.
lil author's note

Thank you everyone who has been reading, commenting and voting for this story, it means a lot!

I apologize for every grammar mistakes I made and will maybe make in the future chapters but I hope it isn't that big of a deal. English isn't my first language so I try my best!

Anyways, if you want to see edits of your favorites, I am slowly posting some on my tik tok which is @/emcithy. The link can be found in my bio. The edit for episode 1 and 2 is currently up! Go check it out.

Thank you all xxx

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now