"Welcome back Miss!" Sasha said as she entered the classroom.

"Thank you Sasha. I'm very pleased to be back with you today. So let's pick up where we left off. Boys, you can go and take your seat, thank you."

Dusty, Ant and Spider all went to their seat at the very front row. During the whole class, they were no comments, nothing from the boys. They stayed silent until my mother dismissed everyone. I had to wait for her to give me a lift home so I went to sit on the school's entrance stairs.


Ant sat besides me.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked intrigued.

"My mother is meeting with yours."

"What did you do now?"

"She's still pissed about the map. She doesn't think SLTs is healthy for our young minds. She's probably going full on church girl on your mum right now."

"Sounds rough."

"You don't even know."

I smiled at him.

"Hey I've never apologized for the things I've said at the Semifinals. I'm sorry."

"Don't stress. All you said about me was true." He replied referring to my previous comment about the size of his dick.

"Humble, I see." I chuckled. We stood silent there for a moment, I noticed him being in his thoughts. He clearly wanted to say something, he finally decided to spoke up.

"I'm sorry too."

"You already apologized, Ant."

"I'm not talking about that."

I raised an eyebrow, I didn't know what he was referring to, he never did anything else wrong. There wasn't really something for him to apologize for.

"I'm sorry someone wrongfully accused you for the maps. You didn't deserve it." He paused. "I'm sorry about Spider too."

"How much did he told you?"

"Some of it."


"Yeah. I mean, his loss."

I didn't know what to say, Spider had finally acknowledged some of our previous moments to his best friend, to someone other than me. Ant gave me a comforting smile and hugged me.

"Hey, a bunch of us are meeting at the drive-in theater to celebrate the end of term. You should come!"

"Uh, it's a Monday. And isn't the end of term in like a month?"

"So what? I thought you'd know now that we'll find any reason to party"

He saw the hesitation on my face.

"Come on now, it will ease your mind. You might have fun. I'll even pick you up."

"Yeah, okay. Whatever."

He grinned and scrubbed the top of my hair as if I was a little kid before leaving to what I supposed was his mother's car. A few minutes later, my mother got out of the building and we drove home. I was way more excited about tonight that I let on with Ant. I really needed a night off from the non-stop thoughts about Spider. I just really needed to forget about him.

"Oi! Guys, he's here!" I shouted.

We all went outside to Ant's car. I bent down by the window and smiled at the boy.

"Should have thought you wouldn't go anywhere without them." He said referring to Amerie, Darren and Quinni who all entered the vehicle.

"Nonesense. Just be grateful I'm coming." I replied sticking my tongue out.

"Oh, I am."

He put his car on drive, his fingers brushing off my thigh. I looked at him and he smirked. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to feel. How to react. I just hoped it was an accident, hope I wouldn't have to deal with this. I already had a broken heart and it needed time to heal.

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now